Home > Den Store Styrkeprøven (Norway)

Den Store Styrkeprøven (Norway)

June 2006, June 2004
• 540 kms bicycle-marathon in Norway from Trondheim to Oslo

Manfred Tinebor
Styrkeprøven 2006

540 km Radmarathon in Norwegen von Trondheim nach Oslo.

Den Store Styrkeprøven (English: The Great Trial of Strength, Deutsch: Die Große Kraftprobe) is a 540 km long bicycle cyclosportive in Norway, which starts in Trondheim and finishes in Oslo. It was first held in 1967 and has taken place since then in late June every year.

Album was created 15 years 9 months ago and modified 12 years 3 months ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    Styrkeprøven 2004

    540 km Radmarathon in Norwegen von Trondheim nach Oslo.

    Den Store Styrkeprøven (English: The Great Trial of Strength, Deutsch: Die Große Kraftprobe) is a 540 km long bicycle cyclosportive in Norway, which starts in Trondheim and finishes in Oslo. It was first held in 1967 and has taken place since then in late June every year.

    Album was created 15 years 9 months ago and modified 8 years 5 months ago
  • Copyright © Manfred Tinebor, Germany. Commercial use of page contents is forbidden. All rights reserved. For private use only.