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WN2010 - The ride

Legend cycling marathon (brevet) "White Nights" 18th-22nd June 2010
The brevet was held by the bicycle club "Velorus-Marathon" on a circular route with start and destination in Vologda, Russia (1200 km in 90 hours)
across the cities Totma, Nikolsk, Manturovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Manfred's report of the tour you find here (Манфреда Берихта): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010/

For your smile (для вашей улыбки) : https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010rb/ :-)))

Легенда веломарафона (бревета) «Белые ночи» 18-22 июня 2010 года
Бревет проводится клубом «Велорусь-марафон» по кольцевому маршруту Вологда-Вологда (1200 км за 90 часов)
через Тотьму, Никольск, Мантурово, Кострому и Ярославль.

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Manfred Tinebor

WN2010 - The ride

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Taken: June 18, 2010
Uploaded: June 28, 2010
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Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 5 months ago
    This looks like a constant on-going weekend project with quite a mixture of architectural designs. I think the final product could be quite attractive once painted in a nice complimentary color. This is what makes visiting the countryside so unique. You never know what you will find around the next corner.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 5 months ago
      Maybe the house must grow with the family. Every year a new children's room is attached :-D
      • Carolynd411 (Private)
        14 years 5 months ago
        You are probably correct re: the house growing with the family. It's very much like the Amish families who live in Pennsylvania. You can tell how many generations reside in the home by the number of large additions which have been made to it. Sometimes, their homes look more like hotels.
        Once again, Manfred, I thoroughly enjoyed my tour with you today. I greatly appreciate your taking your valuable time to answer some of my questions; or to clarify some of my statements. I've always enjoyed geography. If computers had been around when I was a child, you would probably not have gotten me out of the classroom. The youth of today have no idea how fortunate they are to have such wealth of information at their fingertips. Sadly, there are youth who don't care about education regardless of how much or what is put in front of them. I wouldn't have the patience to be a teacher in today's classroom.
        I hope your Sunday will be a lovely, but cooler day for you.
        Luv ya!
        Sweet Caroline
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