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Ciclismo in Italia 2012

"Era la bici, che dato senso alla mia vita." (Mario Cipollini, corsa ciclista italiano)

"Es war das Fahrrad, das meinem Leben einen Sinn gab" (Mario Cipollini, italienischer Radrennfahrer)

"It was the bicycle which gave a meaning to my life" (Mario Cipollini, Italian racing cyclist)

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 5 months ago
    La Rocca di Brisighella
    Ha-ha-ha a Foto- model escaped from the shot!))):
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 5 months ago
      Yes! You are right! :-) 
      I saw the saurian on the ground and wanted to photograph the animal. When I moved up a step closer, the saurian escaped on a vertical wall 4 meters high! I was just able to press the shutter, before the saurian disappeared in the hole in the wall.  :-))
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 5 months ago
    Fiori bianchi
    Unreal for me to day!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 5 months ago
      I like to go to Italy in March. In Germany the winter has not come to an end, but in Italy is already spring. 
      It is always fascinating to view, how from day to day the nature becomes more green, blooms more and smells more. 
      ...and when I am back in Germany I can see the spectacle of the spring a second time  :-)))
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 5 months ago
    Beautiful picture with a fog!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 5 months ago
      Together with my friend Wolfgang I travelled to Italy by a night-train. 
      We arrived Bologna at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. From Bologna we had to go 130 km by bike to the place Fratta Terme, where we met our other friends.
      This photo I shot early in the morning on the way to Fratta Terme. You see the morning fog :-)
  • ЯиДил (Private)
    12 years 5 months ago
    Fiori di ciliegio
    Головокружительно пахнет весной! Schwindelnd riecht im Frühling
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