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Ciclismo in Italia 2012

"Era la bici, che dato senso alla mia vita." (Mario Cipollini, corsa ciclista italiano)

"Es war das Fahrrad, das meinem Leben einen Sinn gab" (Mario Cipollini, italienischer Radrennfahrer)

"It was the bicycle which gave a meaning to my life" (Mario Cipollini, Italian racing cyclist)

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Monte Mauro
    Two lovely orchids. It's always intriguing to see that such lovely plants, shrubs, and orchids can grow and survive in such rocky soil. On all my journeys to various parts of Europe, I was always in awe of the huge and beautiful flowers. The same flowers here in Canada and the USA look like baby plants when compared to those in Europe.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    What a breathtaking view of the fruit orchards, vineyards, vegetable fields, etc. This looks like a beautiful patchwork quilt. Although this is such a gorgeous view from the ground, these same views from an airplane are even more spectacular. If I lived in this area with such an awesome view, I'd spend most of my day gazing out a window and taking in all of nature's beauty. I'm afraid I wouldn't get much accomplished surrounded by all the beautiful and colorful blossoms of the fruit trees or the various shades of vegetation. Is there anyone in Italy who would like to adopt me??? LOL!
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Fiori bianchi
    You're so right about the beauty of spring in Italy. The last trip my darling John-Charles and I made was April 2001 to various parts of Italy, but especially Abino. We spent 10 days there taking in the mud baths. We didn't want to leave this breathtaking corner of the world. Your biking route has to be one of the most gorgeous and scenic in the area; and, as usual, your photographs are outstanding. Thank you, my dearest Manfred, for taking me down memory lane this morning to a time which was so magical and beautiful during my precious short time with my darling John-Charles.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    La Rocca di Brisighella
    Your fortress, "Manfrediana" is breathtaking! I'm always fascinated by the castles and/or mansions built on the very top of a mountain. The owner obviously wanted lots of privacy while, at the same time, keeping an eye on all the activity in the valley. I'm surprised some millionaire hasn't yet purchased this gorgeous mansion and returned it to its former glory. I hope such a transaction takes place in the not too distant future. I enjoy watching the Homes & Gardens TV network because several times a week, they show the castles/mansions  dating back to the 1200's.  Many have been purchased by Americans who have spent time and money renovating these magnificent mansions of yesteryear. The town's people also enjoy having some of the old-world charm returned to their area. I'm grateful for the individuals who can look at these derelict dwellings and see the potential for restoring it to its former beauty--along with today's modern conveniences.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Fiori di pesco
    My dearest Manfred--you may not have given us the smell of the Italian spring, but you have certainly provided us with the outstanding beauty of the Italian spring. So many of us are grateful for the breathtaking captures you have taken with your little magic black box. For the first time since my Darling John-Charles' death 10 years ago, I long to be able to travel once again. We always enjoyed Italy, the Czech Republic, and Germany in the spring and fall of the year. If I were able to visit Europe once again, I'd love to visit St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia, Amsterdam; and parts of Sweden--preferably during spring or mid-fall. Since there isn't much airconditioning throughout Europe, I can't take the heat and humidity of the summer months. Thanks, dearest friend, for sharing all this beauty with us--especially on this very dreary grey and rainy day here in Ottawa.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Cimitero di Predappio
    Everything is so beautifully maintained--from the parking lot to the green fields behind the church. The cedar trees have been manicured to perfection. This is a very charming and inviting church. It's quite evident the membership is very proud of its worshiping facility.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Pesco piantagione di Santa Lucia
    The vineyard is so lovely--especially now that it's in full bloom. What kind of grape might this be? I have only seen white blossoms on grape vines. Great focus--even through the spokes of the bike. LOL!
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    What, pray tell, is this creature? From this photo, it looks like road-kill. It certainly doesn't look like anything for human consumption.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    La Rocca di Brisighella
    My dearest Manfred--
    As I look at this building today--as I have so many in the past year or two--I'm overwhelmed with the amount of work and manpower which went into building such a project. I ponder the thoughts of how many men, horses, mules, building supplies, etc., which had to be transported up the steep side of the mountain to the building site. Eventually, there must have been entire community(ies) working on the finishing touches of such a mansion. I also wonder if these individuals were treated like human beings who had families and loved ones waiting for them at the end of a long day; or were they treated as slaves of the day? I'd like to think it was the former situation. It's your fault, dearest Manfred. You take all these magnificent photographs; and I study and (Cont. . .2)
    • Carolynd411 (Private)
      13 years ago
      (Cont. . .2) analyze so many of your grand captures and have so many questions regarding them. I'm certain answers are recorded in ancient history books; but for now, I prefer to let some things remain a mystery.Thank you for sharing so many of your travels with all of us. With your love, passion, understanding, and interest in your corner of the world, you would have made an outstanding history teacher.
      Luv ya bunches!
      Sweet Caroline
      • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
        13 years ago
        Thanks for the comment. 
        Yes, I am interested in the history of old interesting buildings which I discover new.
        ...but I am no history teacher.  :-)  
        I'm only a pupil, who tries to learn a little bit.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    La Rocca di Brisighella
    Wheee! You do put yourself in harm's way so often, my dearest Manfred. Sometimes you make my heart stop beating. Nonetheless, I greatly appreciate the outstanding photographs you take and share with all of us in cyberspace. I'll just keep praying that you will always remain safe with your biking and photography. BTW, this is a fascinating photo--even if your subject matter was trying to escape. LOL!
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    La Rocca di Brisighella
    It's easy to see the "private owner" has put his heart and soul into keeping this fortress in such fine condition. He deserves a gold star for all his dedication and efforts in taking on such a worthy project. The various views of the village below are outstanding. I especially like the many different styles of architecture which have been used on the different buildings. This is definitely a place of beauty and tranquility where I would love to escape when I need some "alone" time. As usual, you are a fascinating tour guide; and I thank you so much, dearest Manfred, for sharing so much of the beauty of Brisighella with us.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Fiori di pesco
    What a shame these magnificent blossoms gradually fade away within another week or two; but then I would be very disappointed in July/August when I didn't have any delicious fruit to eat. I wish we could have the best of both worlds when it comes to these wonderful fruit trees.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    My word, dearest Manfred! With all these signs warming of potential dangers on this particular highway, shouldn't this road be closed? I don't think I've every seen so many highway warmings in one place. I'm not certain I'd want to even attempt walking on this stretch of highway. I don't see any signs to "Beware of Bear". LOL!
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    Viola guestphalica
    Even with the stragly dead leaves and weeds, there's nothing as beautiful or charming as the lovely little faces of the violets. A gorgeous capture, my dearest Manfred.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
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