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Ciclismo in Italia 2012

"Era la bici, che dato senso alla mia vita." (Mario Cipollini, corsa ciclista italiano)

"Es war das Fahrrad, das meinem Leben einen Sinn gab" (Mario Cipollini, italienischer Radrennfahrer)

"It was the bicycle which gave a meaning to my life" (Mario Cipollini, Italian racing cyclist)

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Manfred Tinebor

La Rocca di Brisighella

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Taken: March 24, 2012
Uploaded: April 04, 2012
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Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years ago
    My dearest Manfred--
    As I look at this building today--as I have so many in the past year or two--I'm overwhelmed with the amount of work and manpower which went into building such a project. I ponder the thoughts of how many men, horses, mules, building supplies, etc., which had to be transported up the steep side of the mountain to the building site. Eventually, there must have been entire community(ies) working on the finishing touches of such a mansion. I also wonder if these individuals were treated like human beings who had families and loved ones waiting for them at the end of a long day; or were they treated as slaves of the day? I'd like to think it was the former situation. It's your fault, dearest Manfred. You take all these magnificent photographs; and I study and (Cont. . .2)
    • Carolynd411 (Private)
      13 years ago
      (Cont. . .2) analyze so many of your grand captures and have so many questions regarding them. I'm certain answers are recorded in ancient history books; but for now, I prefer to let some things remain a mystery.Thank you for sharing so many of your travels with all of us. With your love, passion, understanding, and interest in your corner of the world, you would have made an outstanding history teacher.
      Luv ya bunches!
      Sweet Caroline
      • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
        13 years ago
        Thanks for the comment. 
        Yes, I am interested in the history of old interesting buildings which I discover new.
        ...but I am no history teacher.  :-)  
        I'm only a pupil, who tries to learn a little bit.
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