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... rollin' around - 2018

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Manfred Tinebor

Freche Farben

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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    5 years 8 months ago
    !!! Euonymus verrucosa - Бересклет!!! Bruslina - that s Ukrain variant!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      5 years 8 months ago
      Спасибо за указание. I like to learn.  :-) 
      • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
        5 years 8 months ago
        Ha,ha,ha!!! If Manfred, didn t made a photo of these berries and laid them out, I wouldn’t have known what it was. And when I saw, I remembered that I also had such a photo, but I did not know the name. And unlike Manfred, I didn’t bother to search ... And the inquisitive mind of M prompted me to cheсk my thoughts on Wikipedia...   :-)))
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          5 years 8 months ago
          These berries have numerous different names in the German regions:
          - Pfaffenhütchen, 
          - Pfaffenkäppchen, 
          - Pfaffenkapperl, 
          - Spillbaum,
          - Spindelbaum,
          - Spindelstrauch.
          Wikipedia knows all names.  :-)  
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