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...rumkullern - 2018

... rollin' around - 2018

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Manfred Tinebor


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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    5 years 8 months ago
    That s very carefully! But what about frost?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      5 years 8 months ago
      The sugar factory operates here in the months of September to February.
      If the ground is not frozen, the sugar beets are easier to harvest. Until the transport to the sugar factory, the beets are stored as shown in the photo.
      During storage, high temperatures are more harmful than frost! From a temperature sum of 270 degrees the damage to the beets is expected.
      The temperature sum is the sum of the daily average temperatures above 0°C. 
      For example, at average daytime temperatures of +5°C, the harvested beets can be stored for 54 days. 
      At average daytime temperatures of +10°C, the harvested beets can be stored only for 27 days.  
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