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...rumkullern - 2017

... rollin' around - 2017

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Manfred Tinebor


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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    7 years 7 months ago
    Hi Manfred!The light should fall on the person that are portrayed, by the rules of the photo,in fact...:-))) Но в данном случае Манфред решил "навести тень на плетень"( намеренно вносить неясность в дело=intentionally to cause confusion in the matter). 
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      7 years 7 months ago
      I only have a small, simple camera. In low light the depth of focus is miserable.  :-| 
      The advantage is: because of the blurred face, the old age is blurred too.  ;-)   
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