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...rumkullern - 2013

... rollin' around - 2013

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Manfred Tinebor

Alte Grenzeiche

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Uploaded: September 28, 2013
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    11 years 2 months ago
    wow!!! again - your tree is alive!!! ... I rejoice :)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 2 months ago
      The oak is more than 400 years old. It is marking the border between North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.
      Because of the old age, the oak became hollow inside. Some years ago its branches were strongly cut, so that the old hollow oak can further live and does not fall down! 
      In this album you already saw a winter photo of the oak: 
      Alte Grenzeiche
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