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...rumkullern - 2013

... rollin' around - 2013

  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    10 years 8 months ago
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    10 years 11 months ago
    Heftiger Regen
    Speed ,speed ...........,nice capture!
    Your new avatar is a very beautiful ,dear Manfred!
    Wish you a great day!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      10 years 11 months ago
      At speed I tried to ride below the rain through - .....that didn't work unfortunately!  :o)
      The old avatar was killed by FOTKI! 
      Have a pleasant day!
      • Mankovskay (Private)
        10 years 11 months ago
        Thank you for your response!
        Oh...again problems  on Fotki...(
        I am sorry...
        I have a lot of it too, here....((((
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    10 years 11 months ago
    Herbst: Der Ahorn wird kräftig bunt
    Beautiful Autumn photo!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      10 years 11 months ago
      The autumn has opened the paint box and swings its paint brush eagerly  :o)
      • Mankovskay (Private)
        10 years 11 months ago
        So beautiful words, Manfred!
        Thank you for your response...
        Have a good day!
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