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PBP2011 - Get ready

Das Brevet "Paris-Brest-Paris" (PBP) ist der wohl traditionsreichste Ultra-Radmarathon der Welt. Erstmalig wurde PBP 1891 als Radrennen veranstaltet. Das Brevet PBP wird alle vier Jahre ausgetragen. Ziel von PBP ist, die mehr als 1.200 km lange Stecke von Paris durch die Bretagne nach Brest und zurück mit mehr als 10.000 Höhenmetern in weniger als 90 Stunden Rad fahrend zu bewältigen. Das nächste PBP findet im August 2011 statt.
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The brevet "Paris-Brest-Paris" (PBP) is an extreme bicycle marathon with probably most tradition of the world. First PBP was organised in 1891 as a bicycle running. The brevet PBP is arranged all four years. Aim of PBP is cycling the more than 1,200 km long route from Paris through Brittany to Brest and back with more than 10,000 height metres in less than 90 hours. Next PBP takes place in August 2011.
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Nationaltrikot PBP 2011

Das Design des Nationaltrikots der deutschen Équipe steht fest.
Dem PBP-Gastgeber Tribut zollend ist die Beschriftung in französischer Sprache gehalten.

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Uploaded: March 01, 2011
  • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
    13 years 10 months ago
    Der Designentwurf stammt von Familie Weimann.
    Karl Weimann steht hier in Sankt Petersburg neben mir (im olivgrünen Hemd):
    • Okinew (Private)
      13 years 9 months ago
      Very a beautiful design! This requires a clarification. Who is this man, why he has been designing clothes for bicyclers? He is a member of your team too?
      • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
        13 years 9 months ago
        Thanks, dear Olga, I like your interest.

        Karl Weimann and his wife Heidi are very engaged in bicycle sport and are real  organization talents. Since a lot of years Weimanns organize long-distance bicycle rides and PBP qualification-brevets in Bavaria. 
        Karl himself is an enthusiastic long-distance rider. In 2008, together with me, he wanted to take part in the bicycle marathon 'Vologda-Onega-Ladoga'. Sadly s-h-i-t happened! Caused by a dull accident he got a gash in a leg. 
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          13 years 9 months ago
          Here you see him in an ambulance vehicle:

          At that time he was still glad, because he thought that he could take part in the marathon in spite of the accident. But during the start of the marathon Karl was yet in a St. Petersburg's hospital. :-(

          Now by the draft of the national tricot Karl has shown that he is not only an endurance-cyclist and an organization talent, but also an artistic designer!  :-)
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