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TransRussia 40th Meridian 2012

Manfred Tinebor

There is still an increase of madness possible! :o)


The inviting
Usually randonneurs do not admire beautiful sights around them. Runners and skiers even at a distance of 100 km go on the result and as a rule it does not matter whatever the surrounding landscape is.
Cyclists in this sense are more fortunate, because their distances are much longer, sights around are so beautiful and the results are quite different in sportive and emotional aspect.
To experience this personally, we kindly invite you to participate in the marathon Trans-Arkhangelsk-Dzhubga «40th Meridian.»
The route length of approximately 3,000 km runs through all the climatic zones of Russia from the White Sea to the Black Sea, from the Pomeranian of the taiga to the subtropics, crossing the northern, central and southern parts of Russia in the immediate vicinity of the 40th meridians.
Challenging the space and yourself, you will be able to enjoy the boundless expanse of Russia and get a huge charge of vital energy, a lot of new experiences and great shape.
Style of movement can be individually selected by each party bearing the full responsibility for their own training, equipment and compliance with traffic regulations. It can be completely autonomous, and bound for days to any checkpoints.
It should be understood that it is not just a cycling trip but overcoming distance in the best possible sport mode. This is to test yourself, your abilities, the nature and strength of mind, no matter how high it may sound.
Even at a fixed time of the route, there can be a winner, because the winner is anyone who has overcome this by way of his own physical power and will. And let the Black Sea will be the best award to winners.

The route

Start = Archangelsk / 23 july
Finish = Dzhubga / 7 August
Distance = 3000 km
Time Limit = 15 days / 360 hours


Registered participants

Registered participants

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Great Britain






























Nizhni Tagil















Le Mans




Great Britain



Abi's bike

Abraham Cohen's preparations

The worldwide known British-Israeli long-distance biker Abraham Cohen has already prepared his bike for the Russian adventure.
Watch his bike by the video and listen to his presentation:



The Start in Arkhanglsk

Report of the Russian TV
Англичанин, немец, француз и русские стартовали от Белого моря к Чёрному моря
Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen and Russians startet at the White Sea with the destination Black Sea


15 дней участники велопробега преодолеют около 3-х тысяч километров. Ночевать марафонцы планируют под открытым небом. И называют это "русский экстрим". Впрочем, иностранные участники команды уверены, что русское гостеприимство перевесит все тяготы длинного пути.
Даже за завтраком они не перестают говорить о предстоящем походе. Перед велотуром квартира архангелогородца Алексея Болдырева превратилась в настоящее общежитие. За несколько дней до старта сюда начали съезжаться участники пробега. 11 велосипедистов - из Татарстана, Курска, Ростова, Казахстана... А еще из Франции, Германии и Великобритании.

Алексей Болдырев, организатор велопробега "ТрансРоссия 2012":
- Мне по-человечески жаль иностранцев. Они немножко не представляют, куда они ввязались. Если мы знаем свои дороги, свой быт в городах, то они этого не знают. И выехав 100 километров, они будуит с открытыми глазами будут любоваться, восторгаться, пугаться или думать - зачем я сюда приехал.
Подготовка к велопробегу заняла почти год. Последние минуты перед стартом... Участники не скрывают радости и волнения. Ведь путь предстоит неблизкий.
От моря Белого - до Чёрного. 3 тысячи километров. Покорить этот отрезок участники велопробега планируют за 15 дней. С собой они берут не только лекарства, инструменты и запчасти, но и спальные мешки. Ведь зачастую ночевать им придётся не в гостиничных номерах, а на улице.

Вадим Водолага, участник веломарафона "ТрансРоссия 2012", г.Ростов-на-Дону:
- У нас полный автоном. По-русски! То есть, элемент выживания будет иметься, элемент выносливости.
Что уж скрывать, такие перспективы иностранцев немного пугают. Англичанин Абрахам Коэн мог остаться в Лондоне, где через несколько дней стартует Олимпиада. Однако, желание испытать себя перевесило.

Абрахам Коэн, участник велопробега "ТрансРоссия 2012", Великобритания:
- Я уже был в России и знаю, что здесь не очень хорошие дороги, тяжёлые. В первые 700 километров вообще даже отелей почти нет. Уже готовлюсь ночевать в лесу. Боюсь, что замёрзну.

Не менее колоритный участник велопробега - инженер-электрик из Германии. Желание участвовать в марафоне объясняет просто.

Манфред Тинебор, участник велопробега "ТрансРоссия 2012", Германия:
- В Европе попросту нет места, где бы можно было столько проехать. Мне интересно пройти дистанцию - 3 тысячи километров.

Манфред Тинебор уже наслышан о русском гостеприимстве. И выучил несколько фраз. Уверен, с ними даже в глухой тайге не останется голодным.
Каждый день участники велопробега планируют проезжать по 200 километров. Финиширует интернациональная команда на берегу Чёрного моря, недалеко от Туапсе.

(Видеоматериал подготовили: Константин Бушуев, Михаил Шокур)
23 июля 2012

In less than 15 days the participants of the bicycle race will overcome about 3 thousand kilometers. The marathon athletes plan to spend the nights in open air. So name it 'Russian extreme'. However, the foreign participants are confident that Russian hospitality will move all burdens from the ways.
Even at breakfast they do not cease to speak about the forthcoming campaign. Before the bicycle-tour the apartment of Alexey Boldyreva in Arkhangelsk has changed to a present hostel. Some days prior the participants of the run here have started to gather. 11 bicyclists - from Tatarstan, Kursk, Rostov, Kazakhstan... and from France, Germany and Great Britain.

Alexey Boldyrev, the organizer of bicycle race 'TransRussia 2012':
- Humanly I feel sorry for the foreigners. A little bit, they fail to see, where they have got involved. We know the roads, the life of the cities - they do not know it. ...and having left 100 kilometers, they будуит with the open eyes will admire, be admired, be frightened or think - Why I came here?
The preparation for the bicycle race has borrowed almost a year... Now, the last minutes before start... The participants do not hide pleasure and excitement. In fact the useful way is a remote.
From the White Sea - down to the Black Sea. 3 thousand kilometers. The participants plan to subdue this piece of bicycle race in a space of 15 days. By the bikes they do not take with only medicines, tools and spare parts. ...but also sleeping bags. Quite often they will spend the nights outside. ...and they will not sleep in hotel rooms or on the road.

Vadim Vodolaga, participant of the bicycle race 'TransRussia 2012', Rostov-On-Don:
- We have a full characterization. In Russian language! That represents, the element of the survival. In addition we need an element of endurance capability.
What is hidden, the chances for foreigners are scary a little bit. The Englishman Abraham Cohen could remain in London, where in some days Olympiad will start. However, the desire to test oneself has moved him.

Abraham Cohen, participant of the bicycle race 'TransRussia 2012', Great Britain:
- I already was in Russia and I know, that here are not so good roads - heavy. In the first 700 kilometers are only a few hotels. Already I have to spend nights in a wood. I am afraid, I will freeze.

A not less picturesque participant of the bicycle race - the elecrical engineer from Germany. The desire to participate in a marathon explains simply.

Manfred Tinebor, participant of the bicycle race 'TransRussia 2012', Germany:
- In Europe, simply, there is no other place, where it would be possible to start at such a long bike-marathon. For me it is a big challenge to pass the distance. - 3 thousand kilometers!

Manfred Tinebor know already about the Russian hospitality. Also he has learnt some Russian phrases. So it is assured, that with them even in the deaf taiga he will not remain hungry. :-)
Each day, the bike riders plan to go more than 200 kilometers. The international team will finish on the Black Sea, near Tuapse.

(The video data have prepared: Konstantin Bushuev, Michael Shokur)
23. July 2012


Newspaper article

Веломарафон - Газетная статья
The bicycle marathon - Newspaper article


The theft of Manfred's couch - A newspaper article

The theft of Manfred's couch - A newspaper article

Правда Севера - The truth of the north

From the German participant of the bicycle marathon 'Arkhangelsk - Dzhubga', Manfred Tinebor, the bike was stolen near Yaroslavl.

Tuesday, July 24th, we published a report about the start of the bike tour "fortieth meridian." On the front page we showed a picture of the German participant Manfred Tinebor on his unusual "recumbent" bicycle. Manfred drove it to Yaroslavl...

The whole third marathon night he pedaled and he decided to sleep in the early morning at a lake. Bike and stuff he put in the tall grass. When the alarm clock Manfred awoke, - there were his things no more! - there were not even his shoes!

The cyclist went to the police, and there he was barefoot and hungry the whole day: Yaroslavl - there was no interpreter to help the victim to explain. But in the brotherhood of All-Russian bikers there are people who rescued Manfred from the office, arranged a hotel, bought with him new shoes...
"I lost my things, but I found new friends" - Tinebor wrote on his Facebook page.

German peppy, but the mood is not very good. According to Manfred, Marathon 'Arkhangelsk - Dzhubga' was his beautiful dream! Now it remains unrealizable. After inspection of the Yaroslavl attractions the bike racer will go back to Germany.
The stolen bike - very noticeable! It is impossible that a drawing does not get attention. Therefore, Manfred's Russian friends hope to find it.

Photos of the recumbent bike are distributed on all social networks.

- What a great country - Russia! - What good and hospitable people! - Manfred Tinebor admired before the start...

Marina Ledyayeva.




VIDEO: Report of the Russian TV / 8. August 2012

В Кущевском районе Краснодарского края водитель «Жигулей» 99-й модели сбил участника международного велопробега и скрылся с места преступления. Пострадал 60-летний гражданин Германии Майнфред Тайнбор.
Немец вместе с путешественниками из России, Англии, Франции и Израиля направлялся сторону Черного моря. Спортсмены-любители стартовали из Архангельска две недели назад. Финишировать велосипедисты должны в Джубге.
Майнфред Тайнбор отстал от велоколонны. Поздно ночью неподалеку от станицы Кисляковской его сбила машина с номерами Орловской области.
Велосипедист сейчас лечится в нейрохирургическом отделении краевой клинической больницы. Как рассказали медики, пациент поступил с ушибами и сотрясением головного мозга. По информации посольства Германии в Москве, через несколько дней Майнфреда Тайнбора доставят на родину.
Водителя «Жигулей» задержали полицейские Павловского района. Автомобилист утверждает, что не заметил, как сбил путешественника. По данным следственного отдела МВД по Кущевскому району, вопрос о возбуждении уголовного дела решится через несколько дней. Водителю может грозить до двух лет лишения свободы.
8 Август 2012 | 19:47

Near Kuschevsky, in the district of Krasnodar, a car "Lada", international model 99, hit a bike rider and the car driver fled the scene. The 60-year old German Manfred Tinebor was hit.
The German cycled together with other cyclists from Russia, Britain, France and Israel towards the Black Sea. The amateur athletes started from Arkhangelsk two weeks ago. The cyclists should finish in Dzhubga.
In that night, Manfred Tinebor cycled alone. Late at night, near the village Kislyakovskoy, he was hit by the car.
The cyclist is now cured in the neurosurgery of regional Clinical Hospital. How the doctors tell, the patient received contusions, fractures and a concussion of the brain. According to the German Embassy in Moscow, in a few days Manfred Tinebor will be delivered home.
The police has detained the "Lada" driver in Pavlovsky District. The motorist claims, not to notice, that he knocked a traveler. According to the investigation department of the Kuschevsky area, the question of the criminal case will be resolved in a few days by the Interior Ministry. The driver can face up to two years in prison.
8. August 2012 | 19:47

Copyright © Manfred Tinebor, Germany. Commercial use of page contents is forbidden. All rights reserved. For private use only.