Home > Große Weserrunde (Germany) > 1. Große Weserrunde 2010 > Drachenflieger über dem Brunsberg

1. Große Weserrunde 2010

Die "Große Weserrunde" ist eine erlebnisreiche Radltour auf einer landschaftlich wunderschönen Route entlang der Weser und durch das Weserbergland. Das gemeinsame Bewältigen der 300 km langen Strecke zusammen mit anderen Radlern ist ein wesentlicher Teil des Erlebnisses.
Am Samstag den 9. Oktober 2010 fand die Radltour entlang des Weser-Flusses bei strahlendem Herbstwetter statt.
Start- und Zielort war Hameln: http://www.manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/weserbergland/hameln/

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Manfred Tinebor

Drachenflieger über dem Brunsberg

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Taken: October 09, 2010
Uploaded: October 10, 2010
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Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Okinew (Private)
    13 years 11 months ago
    Driven by a wind! So good!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 11 months ago
      The hang-gliders jump down from the hill and are carried high from the upward winds. Then they sail by the wind for hours.
      • Okinew (Private)
        13 years 11 months ago
        Hang-gliders float in updrafts of warm air from the sun-warmed earth (thermal or thermal column).
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          13 years 11 months ago
          You found the better words, dear Olga :-))
          • Okinew (Private)
            13 years 11 months ago
            In a past life I was friend with the USSR champion by hang- gliding and his team.
            • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
              13 years 11 months ago
              How many lifes did you have? :o))
              • Okinew (Private)
                13 years 11 months ago
                The question is understandable. :-D Three: before the collapse of the Soviet Union, after the collapse and in Moscow. :-))
                • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
                  13 years 11 months ago
                  I am surprised about your answer!
                  I have never thought about the fact which drastic personal results the collapse of the Soviet Union could have had.
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