Счастьем пусть в ваш дом войдет Яркий, щедрый Новый год! Новых радостей охапку Принесет под снежной шапкой, Вас заставит удивляться, Вдохновляться, наслаждаться! И удачи снежный ком Пусть летит к вам прямиком.
Пусть все, что радует и греет Перенесется в Новый год! И ветер перемен навеет- Судьбы счастливый поворот!!! Так с Новым Годом! С Новым Счастьем! Пусть будут с Вами навсегда- Любовь родных! Друзей участье! И мир на долгие года!!!
Just for today, I mused, that in Germany is not removed corn, may be due to sanctions! Why, clean, remove, store - still nowhere to be exported. The German people - good economists !!! I was so surprised to see your report! Even I led a discussion with my husband. Are deadlines of harvesting in Germany are more late compared to Russia! Are Germans also relies on RUSSIAN "АВОСЬ" (perhaps- not a real translation...)
Thanks, dear Marbess, for the interest. I was also interested in, why the corn was not harvested. I informed me about the cultivation of corn. Astonished, I realized, that only 15% of the cultivated corn is used as food. A growing proportion of the corn is used for energy production in biogas plants!!!
... for the biogas plant it is unimportant, whether the corn is still tasty!
The vitamin C content of sea-buckthorn is almost 10 times higher than of lemons. And, as I know, sea-buckthorn is the only fruit that contains vitamin B12. Until about 20-25 years ago, I collected the berries. But because of the effort, I only used little for making fruit jam. The most I used together with sloes for the production of a highly palatable fruit wine. ...очень вкусно! :-)
But yes, you are right! :-) ...today, I fear the effort, I collect no more berries.
To expel my winter tiredness I prefer to buy vitamin B12 and to use my free time for cycling. :-)