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...rumkullern - 2010

... rollin' around - 2010

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Manfred Tinebor

'rumkullern im Schnee :-)

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  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    Now this is what I call a "cool" picture, dearest Manfred! I believe you are quite a daredevil and will try anything--within reason--at least once. Without a doubt, you do have a few surprises scattered throughout your delightful albums! A very interesting capture!

    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 8 months ago
      In winter I like to sauna. Between the sauna sessions I enjoy to bath in the snow :-)) 
      ...some pictures in my album were scattered for the contentment of female devils :-D
      • Carolynd411 (Private)
        14 years 8 months ago
        Female devils such as "yours truly"? You are wicked, dearest Manfred! And I love your delightful sense of humor!
        I've heard a great deal about the sauna baths in Europe--especially in Norway where they like to go into the sauna for a while; and then jump into an ice-cold lake. Guaranteed to stimulate the heart--they say. It makes my heart race just thinking about the idea.
        Thanks, Sweetie, for taking your time to respond to my comments. I honestly do enjoy your informative photos. You cover such a wide variety of subject matter that one never has a chance to become bored. Whenever I visit your lovely site, I always plan to spend the day. For behind each photo lies a wealth of information and/or a beautiful and intriguing story. Not every photographer can capture a scene which seems to come to life.
        I hope your day has been as beautiful as mine. The predicted stormy weather we were supposed to have from Hurricane Earl didn't materialize. Anyway, I was too content to notice.
        Luv ya!
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