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...rumkullern - 2005-2009

... rollin' around - 2005-2009

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Manfred Tinebor

In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft :-)

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  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago

    As Lara would say, "No; No!, dearest Manfred. I'm not talking about any carbon fiber-structure with TREK 5200" on it. I'm referring to the individual who looks like he swallowed a canary and the feathers are tickling him. LOL!
    I hope your Sunday will be grand in every way; and may your week be filled with an abundance of joy and beauty you so richly deserve.

    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago

    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    15 years 3 months ago
    Full harmony of soul and body.
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    Жизнь прекрасна!

    Да, жизнь очень прекрасна!-))
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