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Brevet 600 km Merselo - 2014

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• Startort/location: Merselo, Limburg | • Startzeit/date: 8:00, 28.06.2014

Brevet Merselo ist ein Radmarathon über eine Streckenlänge von 600 km, der von Euraudax Randonnée Nederland veranstaltet wird. Organisator ist Jan van Osch. Der größte Teil der Route führt über autofreie Fahrradstraßen.

Brevet Merselo is a cycling marathon with a route length of 600 km, which is hosted by Euraudax Randonnée Nederland. Organizer is Jan van Osch. Most of the route runs over car-free bicycle roads.

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Manfred Tinebor

Ende der schönen Marathon-Tour

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  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    10 years 2 months ago
    Congratulations on a successful finish of a wonderful marathon tour!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      10 years 2 months ago
      Thanks Lena! 
      Brevet Merselo was really a very nice tour on well chosen routes.
      ...and thanks for the double speed «твоя + моя» !!   ;-))
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        10 years 2 months ago
        :) ... мне тоже захотелось поездить там :) но моя скорость сама по себе маленькая и короткая по времени :)))
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          10 years 2 months ago
          If I had not ridden the distance as a marathon, I would have also been slower. I would have done more amd longer breaks at nice places.
          Especially was sorry me that I had no more time for seeing the very nice historical sights in the old town Zierikzee.
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