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Lenze Radltouren 2010

Radsport-Ausdauertraining mit Freunden und Kollegen von Lenze.
Lenze ist eine Firma, die Automatisierungssysteme und Industrieantriebe entwickelt und produziert. Siehe hier: http://www.lenze.de/
Zum Weserbergland gehören Teile von Niedersachsen, Hessen und Nordrhein-Westfalen. Städte des Weserberglandes sind Holzminden, Höxter, Bodenwerder, Hameln, Rinteln, Vlotho, Lemgo und Detmold.

Cycling condition training with friends and colleagues of Lenze.
Lenze is a company, that developes and produces automation systems and industrial drives. Look here: http://www.lenze.com/en/home/
Weserbergland is a hilly region (thus the name, Bergland = hilly region) in Germany (parts of Lower Saxony, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia) near the river Weser. Cities of this region are Holzminden, Höxter, Bodenwerder, Hameln, Rinteln, Vlotho, Lemgo and Detmold.

  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago
    у вас уже тоже собрали урожай с полей!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 1 month ago
      Yes dear Elena, the wheat fields were largely harvested already. The farmers who harvested on time, received a good quality of the wheat :-)
      Because it was humid here during the last days, the wheat which stands now yet on the fields has only feed quality :-(
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago
    Auf dem Heimweg
    I like landscapes with wind generators, especially when them a lot and they flap their wings asynchronously. Not many of the technical constructions can decorate the landscape. Your eyes have got used to their kind. I perceive them as live.
    Probably, you have to it the professional relation.
    In Russia there is no place, no wind for wind generators. :-))
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago
    Auf dem Heimweg
    Nice capture.....very beautiful)
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Eine schöne Radltour ist zu Ende!
    WOW!!! Magnificent.

    I still think you should create a "2011 Favorite Biker's Calendar"--of course, with all photos being of your's truly. LOL! The devil made me say it, o.k.?

    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 2 months ago
      It seems that your devil is female!
      • Carolynd411 (Private)
        14 years 2 months ago
        LOL! Yes, absolutely, positively, 100% female! It's great to know, however, that this "lil ole grey-haired lady" still has a bit of mischief left in her soul. Your delightful personality is reflected in all your wonderful photos, dearest Manfred. That's why we ladies enjoy kidding with you so much. There are individuals with whom I have corresponded for a number of years, but I would never take the liberty of kidding with any of them the way I have with you. Some people are too busy taking life so seriously they don't know how to stop and smell the roses occasionally.
        I hope you're having a wonderful week. Additionally, I hope all of you in Europe will be getting some cooler temperatures for a change--with lots of crystal clear air. When looking at the photos from Moscow the other night, I was amazed at the amount of pollution, haze--and particularly all the smoke coming from a number of fires in the region. It took my breath away just looking at them.
        Luv ya bunches!
        Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    You're very photographic, my dearest Manfred! And this side profile is a very nice one. I keep waiting to hear your voice any moment; it is so realistic. I love your selection and description of music--especially that of the bike-riding music. I noticed you didn't use your recumbent ("sofa") bike for this journey. LOL!

    Luv ya!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 2 months ago
      Thanks dear Sweet Caroline!
      If I cycle with my friends, I take a bicycle that is equal to the bicycles of my friends.
      On equal bicycles the social contact during riding is better possible :-)
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Ruine der Eversteiner Burg bei Polle
    This is such a powerful photo. It's so awesome to see these magnificent ruins of former castles, knowing they were built in the years 1000, 1100, 1200, etc. That even a brick or foundation could be found of dwellings dating so far back in history is an overwhelming thought. I was amazed at the numbers of such ruins along the Rhine River. It makes one long to know who lived behind these walls; what was their lifestyle; what did they do every day; and a thousand other questions. More often than not, we're left to fantasize about their world. At least--this way--we can give them the happy ending they so deserved. This is the "stuff" of which great books are written.
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Frank läßt seinen Renner rollen
    Another beautiful portrait of your friend. The patchwork quilt of yellow and green makes a breathtaking background. You have truly spoiled me, my dearest Manfred, with your magnificent eye for details when taking a photo. One can experience the feelings and reality of your pictures. They have a way of speaking to you and beckoning you to stay for more moments of enjoyment in the countryside--the city, etc. At times, I'm left speechless--with all the surrounding beauty you are able to capture with your magical little black box. Thanks to you, Sweetie; the lens of your camera; and you as my tour guide, I'm enjoying my journey through parts of Europe without the hassle of lost luggage, jetleg, and fatigue. "Thank you" is so inadequate when it comes to expressing my gratitude to you, Lara, Olga, and others,for brightening my days and bringing beauty back into my world. All of you are so very special to me in making my world a better place to live.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Bestes Radlwetter!
    What an absolute breathtaking view with the patchwork design of the green and yellow fields and the rolling hills in the background! This photo brings back beautiful memories of my first visit to Munich and Frankfort, Germany in September 1989. Joe and I were on our honeymoon. We spent our first week in Luxembourg attending a two-day wedding; and then we decided to visit several of his friends in the above cities. Often we got off the autobahn and took the more leisurely drive in the countryside. I was amazed at the miles and miles of beautiful pastures of cabbage, rye/wheat fields, and especially the fields of mustard. We drove 8/10-hour days; and the only time I spoke was to give Joe directions of where to take a highway, etc. Although Joe had lived in both these cities for 10+ years and was familiar with driving the highways, I preferred to remain silent--enjoying the vista. With speeds Europeans drive, I didn't want to cause any distractions. I kissed the ground at our destination.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Spaß ist sichtbar!! :-)))
    A fantastic portrait, my dearest Manfred, of your friend Wolfgang!
    Just glancing at your photos, it appears you picked a gorgeous spring day for your road trip. Everything looks so fresh and green; and with the bursting of spring blossoms everywhere, the world is your canvas. How lucky can one get!
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
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