Home > Lenze Radltouren (Germany) > Lenze Radltouren 2010 > Eine schöne Radltour ist zu Ende!

Lenze Radltouren 2010

Radsport-Ausdauertraining mit Freunden und Kollegen von Lenze.
Lenze ist eine Firma, die Automatisierungssysteme und Industrieantriebe entwickelt und produziert. Siehe hier: http://www.lenze.de/
Zum Weserbergland gehören Teile von Niedersachsen, Hessen und Nordrhein-Westfalen. Städte des Weserberglandes sind Holzminden, Höxter, Bodenwerder, Hameln, Rinteln, Vlotho, Lemgo und Detmold.

Cycling condition training with friends and colleagues of Lenze.
Lenze is a company, that developes and produces automation systems and industrial drives. Look here: http://www.lenze.com/en/home/
Weserbergland is a hilly region (thus the name, Bergland = hilly region) in Germany (parts of Lower Saxony, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia) near the river Weser. Cities of this region are Holzminden, Höxter, Bodenwerder, Hameln, Rinteln, Vlotho, Lemgo and Detmold.

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Manfred Tinebor

Eine schöne Radltour ist zu Ende!

Manfred auf dem Heimweg.
Radltour 05.05.2010

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  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    WOW!!! Magnificent.

    I still think you should create a "2011 Favorite Biker's Calendar"--of course, with all photos being of your's truly. LOL! The devil made me say it, o.k.?

    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      It seems that your devil is female!
      • Carolynd411 (Private)
        14 years 9 months ago
        LOL! Yes, absolutely, positively, 100% female! It's great to know, however, that this "lil ole grey-haired lady" still has a bit of mischief left in her soul. Your delightful personality is reflected in all your wonderful photos, dearest Manfred. That's why we ladies enjoy kidding with you so much. There are individuals with whom I have corresponded for a number of years, but I would never take the liberty of kidding with any of them the way I have with you. Some people are too busy taking life so seriously they don't know how to stop and smell the roses occasionally.
        I hope you're having a wonderful week. Additionally, I hope all of you in Europe will be getting some cooler temperatures for a change--with lots of crystal clear air. When looking at the photos from Moscow the other night, I was amazed at the amount of pollution, haze--and particularly all the smoke coming from a number of fires in the region. It took my breath away just looking at them.
        Luv ya bunches!
        Sweet Caroline
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