Manfred's Guestbook RSS

  • 14 years 6 months ago
    Hi Manfred

    Thanks for the Easter greeting. Had an interesting easter visit to Belgium. Saw dozens of cyclist in action! Covered in mud and smiling big smiles!

    Hope you had a pleasant easter weekend as well!
    Happy Easter 2010
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 6 months ago
    Happy Easter, Manfred!
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    14 years 6 months ago
    Hi Manfred!!!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!!! 
    Be happy and lucky!!!

  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    Hallo Manfred,
    was ist mit Dir, biste schon Rentner,
    oder warum haste so viel Zeit und Geld für Dein RADL ?

    Gruss E.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 7 months ago
      Hallo Erika!
      Es freut mich, dass du in mein Fotoalbum geschaut und einen Gästeeintrag geschrieben hast.
      Du weist doch: Geld habe ich genug! Mir fehlt nur die Zeit es auszugeben ;-D
      Knapp drei Jahre werde ich noch schaffen, bis ich richtig viel Zeit für mein RADL haben werde :-)))
      Munter bleiben...
      • (Anonymously) (Private)
        14 years 7 months ago, Tine, war wohl nix mit Erika!!
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 7 months ago
          Ha, wenn ich hellsehen könnte, hätte ich längst 'nen Sechser im Lotto, hätte den Job geschmissen und wäre nun mit dem Radl auf Tour rund um die Welt :-)))
          • (Anonymously) (Private)
            14 years 7 months ago
            Manni, mach Dir man keinen Kopp,
            ist ja erst 40 Jahre her,
            weiterhin alles GUTE und viel Spass beim Radln rund um die Welt !
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    Hi Manfred!
    Curiosity have forced me to get acquainted with liegerad or recumbent. Earlier I absolutely knew nothing about such designs. Really, they are much more convenient and more comfortable for a backbone, especially on the big distances.
    At last, I have understood all.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 8 months ago
      Hello dear Olga, I am glad that I have kindled your curiosity.
      By your interest I feel honored :-) Thank you very much!

      When will you do the first trial trip with a recumbent bike?
      • Okinew (Private)
        14 years 8 months ago
        Probably, when I will construct the recumbent bike.
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 8 months ago
          Olga, you don't need to construct a recumbent bike. In Moscow you can buy ready recumbents!
          Do you know the company BERKUT in Moscow? BERKUT produces even recumbent trikes!!


  • Samorodova (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    I wish Health, Wealth, Piece and Happiness for you in New Year and Merry Christmas!
  • IrenSkop (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    Мои поздравления и наилучшие пожелания в Новом 2010 году....
    My congratulations and best regards in New 2010....

  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    14 years 10 months ago
    Hi Manfred,

    eine sehr beeindruckende Geschichte! An inspiration to us all!
    I also started running a bit later in life and I've had many good runs and a few that were not so good but I never yet had one that I regretted ;-)
    Never give up, it's not about winning but taking part...
    Dabei sein is alles wie man so schön sagt...
    Ultimately there are no losers and the only competition is with yourself...

  • 14 years 11 months ago
    Hi Manfred

    Advice for a safe Halloween ...

    Stock up on chocolates, lock all the doors, light some extra candles and stay indoors tonight!

    Happy Halloween!
    Happy Halloween Everyone!
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    Привет, Manfred!
    Ich freue mich über deine Mitteilung!=)
    Du hast sehr gute foto!
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    15 years 2 months ago
    Very interestingly, a marathon grandiose.
    And where sweat, blood and tears?
    Who can become the participant? 

  • iqual (Private)
    15 years 2 months ago
    Hi Manfred, 

    tolle Seite,  Super-Bilder" 

    Joachim von der Nordseeküste
  • Rolf (Private)
    15 years 2 months ago
    Hallo Manfred, toller und spannender Bericht über deine Fahrt Vologda-Onega-Ladoga 2008. Ich bin begeistert und freue mich schon über dein Tagebuch London - Edinburgh. Bis dann mal im Lippischen. Rolf
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    15 years 3 months ago
    Thanks for San Marino your eyes.
    Very interestingly.
    I respect your way of knowledge of the world!
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