Manfred's Guestbook RSS

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 2 months ago
    Hello my dearest Manfred--I've missed you these past several months since I'm unable to sit at my computer very much these days. But I was suffering withdrawal symtons today and just had to stop by and give you a hello. Although I had been feeling quite lethargic the past several days, I can definitely inform you that having just watched your movie of you racing your couch on that very winding, curvy road has got my heart racing. You're as fast as the Chunnel Train with everything whizzing by you like a blur. Do cyclists have to obey speed limits--especially in small towns? I was holding my breath on several curves--waiting for someone to dart in front of you--and wondering what the outcome would be. The highway you took on your movie recording was curvy enough that you had room to straighten up in time to get around the next curve. There is certainly no room for error or daydreaming in your world of biking! I'm almost sorry I viewed the film as it caused me even more great concern for your safety. You're definitely a pro at your hobby; and you also have a guardian angel who is watching over you during your various marathons. Please remain safe! Sending you lots of warm, gentle hugs across the miles.
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 2 months ago
      Hello dear Sweet Caroline,
      nicely, that you have ridden virtually together with me on the couch.  :o)
      I already feared that you have become unfaithful to me.  <*:o)
      Have a nice weekend!
  • 14 years 2 months ago
    Seher schön ich spreche auch Deutsch ich habe in München gelebt
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 3 months ago
    Hi Manfred!
    Thanks, of course. I'm flattered!
  • ZlayaKukla (Private)
    14 years 4 months ago
     Happy New Year! Gute Laune und nicht sehr schneereichen Winter! 
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    14 years 4 months ago
    Happy New Year, dear Manfred!!! 
    Be healthy and Lucky!!! 
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    14 years 4 months ago
    Hallo, Manfred!!!
    Blessings of the Festive Season.
    Warmest wishes! 
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    My dearest Manfred, 
    I'm certainly sorry to hear of your bad experience with a dog several years ago. You are definitely correct about the "tame" animals being just as much of a concern as the wild animals. I sincerely hope, after four major surgeries, your arm is back in full operation. It's not only the surgery you have to endure so many times, but I'm certain you also had to have physical therapy for a while to get some function back into your arm. I do hope the owner of this dog was also required to make a contribution toward your pain and suffering. Although, there is no dollar value one can affix to a major part of, or the major function of, an arm. I'm happy you found the pepper spray to be a successful deterent. Just make certain the wind isn't blowing in your direction--and you end of getting sprayed instead of the dog. I always had a fear of spraying myself with the pepper spray. So in my office, I always had a can of hair spray, as well as an umbrella with a sharp point on the end--by my locked office door. As you stated, one--or both of these objects-- did come in handy on several occasions. It's difficult to believe that working in a university, in the dean's office, one would have to stoop to such measures on a daily basis. We had so much crime and murders in the City of Richmond, VA. In fact, one of our outstanding female dental students was rapped during the middle of the day in one of the dental laboratories. After this very traumatic episode, all of the women took whatever precautionery measures were suitable to protect ourselves.
    Stay safe, dear friend!
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    It is a great Sunday morning here in Ottawa, my dearest Manfred. 

    Firstly, I received your very thoughtful note and compliment; and secondly, we are getting some much needed rain today. I awoke to the sound of rain falling on my air conditioning--which has a metal covering--and I love the sound of rain falling on a tin roof. Behind a day of rain will come a welcomed cool front for several days. I'm already looking forward to the days of fall with its crisp, cooler days and the gorgeous quilt of vivid colors that paint the countryside. I am always in awe of the magnificent and breathtaking display of autumn colors. As you and your friends--no doubt--will take advantage of the beautiful days to bike through the countryside, I know I can look forward to viewing some breathtaking vistas you will capture with your magical camera. In the meantime, may your coming week be filled with the very best that life has to offer.

    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • AlbisaKarma Premium user United States (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    You have awesome pictures of Moscow. Could you make your pictures available for printing?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      Thanks dear Elena in the interest of my pictures. I am glad about it.
      Excuse please, but I'm too stupid to know, how I have to make my pictures available for printing.
      I allow to download my pictures for anyone. So please dear Elena, download and print!
      If there is a drawback, please make an old man clever!
  • Zavaluschka (Private)
    14 years 10 months ago
    привет, Манфред!!!! 

    так ты недавно был в Москве?! 

  • 14 years 11 months ago
    Schön das Du unsere Seite besucht hast, haben Dir die Bilder nicht gefallen?
    Schau Dir unsere Alben nochmal an und schreibt Kommentare!
    Dann entscheidet ob wir mehr sehen können!
    Gruß Bikerluder und Fin
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    15 years ago
    Hi ,friend Manfred!!!

    Thank you for your visit and kind words to me!!!
    Yes I am agree with you about apple...You have a very nice sense of humour and intuitive....

    Have a nice weekend! 
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