Home > Alegría de vida (Spain) > Vuelta Andalucía 2011 > Alto de Velefique 2011 > Alto de Velefique

Alto de Velefique 2011

Der Berg "Alto de Velefique" gehört zur "Sierra de los Filabres". "Alto de Velefique" ist 1860 m hoch und dient der spanischen Radrenn-Rundfahrt "Vuelta a España" als Königsetappe.
Die höchste Stelle der Tour ist der "Calar Alto" mit 2168m Höhe. Auf ihm befindet sich die deutsch-spanische Sternwarte Calar-Alto-Observatorium.

The mountain "Alto de Velefique" belongs to "Sierra de los Filabres". "Alto de Velefique" is 1860 m high and serves the Spanish cycling-race "Vuelta a España" as a king's stage.
The highest place of the tour is "Calar Alto" with 2168 m height. The German-Spanish observatory Calar-Alto-Observatory is on it.

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Manfred Tinebor

Alto de Velefique

Algunos zigzags :-)

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  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    13 years 5 months ago
    Wow! ... mountain serpentine
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 5 months ago
      From the distance you can't see my drops of sweat on the twisting road :o))
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        13 years 5 months ago
        mountain serpentine is very difficult! ... and very beatiful!
        Cool that you cycled up on it  ... I certainly would not have been able to ... I would have velo-walked :))) ... and through some day I would be on finish :))))
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          13 years 5 months ago
          If you are able to cross-country skiing, you are also able to ride uphill the mountains by turning a crank!!
          You only have to do it :-))
          • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
            13 years 5 months ago
            In the summer I rode across small hills ... if the raise is long and not strong - then it is almost not noticeable ... but if steep as one of your photos with towers - I rode only a few tens of meters :)))) (well, that the raise fast came to an end:)))
            • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
              13 years 5 months ago
              A good way to exercise uphill riding is by the control your pulse-frequency. Do you have a pulse-clock?
              You have to limit your power, so that your pulse frequency remains in the aerobic range. You will upwards be able to ride for lasting!  :-)))
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