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Advertising posters with or of bicycles, bike components or accessories - scanned, photographed or internet collected.

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These posters are collected because of the advertising idea with bicycles. In no case these posters do constitute a purchase recommendation by the collector!

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Virtual Cycling

TACX - producer of cycle- and ergotrainer.

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  • Okinew (Private)
    13 years 1 month ago
    Hi Manfred, how is your leg?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 1 month ago
      Hi Olga, thanks for the care!  
      I'm already pedaling on the cycle trainer. Today in the morning I cycled 2 hours. I had to stop, because I got pain in the left knee and in the left calf. But I had no pain in the foot. 
      Just I cycled 3 hours. I got pain in the right leg too!  .......it seems to be a very good sign!! :o)))  .....I become symmetrically!!   :-D
      Tomorrow I will test to ride on the road again.
      - At the end all things will be good! If it will be not good, then it is not the end!  :-D
      Have a nice sunday, dear Olga!
      • Okinew (Private)
        13 years 1 month ago
        :-)  If something hurts, it means that you are alive!   :-)
        Great victories await you ahead!
        Everything will be fine, Manfred!
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          13 years 1 month ago
          Большое спасибо, милая Ольга!
          Самая большая победа - всегда поражение внутреннего искушения! ;-)
Copyright © Manfred Tinebor, Germany. Commercial use of page contents is forbidden. All rights reserved. For private use only.