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Samsung Smart-Bike
Samsung Smart-Bike
TECHNOLOGY AND HANDCRAFTING TRADITION COME TOGETHER WITH SAMSUNG SMART BIKE. Thanks to the experience of Maestro Giovanni Pelizzoli -- a world famed frame builder- and the talent of a young student of Samsung Maestros Academy -- Alice Biotti -- Samsung Smart Bike came alive. This is a bicycle that protects the rider thanks to its safety components, controlled by a Samsung Smartphone. It comes with an innovative bicycle-frame that neutralizes the most dangerous vibrations to the human body, 4 laser beams to alert other drivers that the bike is coming along, an integrated GPS system to tell local authorities which routes should be immediately turned into real bike-lanes. This is Samsung Smart Bike, a mix between future and heritage, presented with great success during the 2014 Milan Design Week. Watch the VIDEO: http://journals.manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/technology/entry/sfkqrrkqwwbwb/

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