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...ein gemischter Haufen

...a heap of mixed

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VIDEO: Airless bike tireView the video:

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Uploaded: October 29, 2013
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    11 years ago
    It would be nice if as soon as possible these tires was invented :) 
    only white :o)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years ago
      Yes - never again flat tire!  :-)

      Do you have mended the inner tube again? Are your white wheels ready for the week-end ride?
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        11 years ago
        I am always ready!!! :))))
        ... but the weather is very bad for cycling ...now - lumps of wet snow and big puddles ... and tomorrow - it will freeze ... and snow ...
        ... maybe in next weekend I will more lucky :) ... maybe I will skier :))) ... we will see :)
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