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Manfred Tinebor

Halloween race

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Uploaded: October 31, 2010
  • Ecki (Private)
    13 years 5 months ago
    Hey Manne, 
    rennt dein Lieger wieder?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 5 months ago
      Der neue Rahmen ist eingetroffen. 
      Ich hatte aber noch keine Zeit, die Couch neu aufzubauen, da mein MTB Höhenmeter in den Alpen fressen wollte 

      Bis denne...  munter bleiben...
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 6 months ago

    Greetings, my dear Manfred. . .I love your Halloween siggy. It's very bright and appealing!
    I've really missed you and your interesting journeys the past month or so. I feel like Satan has been after me lately. Anything, and everything, that could possibly go wrong has done just that. I broke a first and second molar off at the roots about 10 days ago. While I know the oral surgeon is going to have a rough time removing one of the roots (it's wrapped around my jaw bone), I wasn't prepared for the dental treatment plan being suggested to me. In addition to removing the roots, I need to have the adjoining teeth removed, as well. Following that process, I'm looking at the possibility of having several dental implants and a bridge to fill in the gaps. Dental implants are great. However, I'm not certain my fragile health can tolerate the additional pain and/or trauma. I've watched this procedure being (Cont.)
    • Carolynd411 (Private)
      14 years 6 months ago
      (Cont.). . .performed on several occasions; and I'm not certain I can endure the process or the amount of time required in getting to the end results. They always say that fear of the unknown is far worse than the task itself. At least that's what I hope--anyway. Fibromyalgia wreaks havoc with one's body and teeth. In spite of visiting my dentist every four months the past 12 years, I'm still losing my teeth. At least I won't have to wear wooden dentures like George Washington had to do for years. No wonder his portraits always looked like he was in great pain. LOL! We actually had George's teeth on exhibit at the Dental School where I worked for 20+ years. I don't know how he tolerated having such an uncomfortable apparatus in his mouth for years. Anyway, Sweetie, I know I can forget about this situation for a while as I take one of your latest tours of the beautiful countryside. Your photos always put a smile on my face. I hope you've been doing well.
      Luv ya!
      • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
        14 years 6 months ago
        I am glad that you like my Halloween picture. My camera lens lets poorly light through. The Halloween night was too dark to shoot photos. Thus I had to paint!
        Toothaches I see as the worst pains of all. Toothaches are so close to the brain and, therefore, can be mentally suppressed very hardly.
        Dear Sweet Caroline, I wish health for you and better teeth than George Washington! :-)
        • Carolynd411 (Private)
          14 years 6 months ago
          Your "well wishes" are appreciated far more than you will ever know, dearest Manfred. I love your statement. . ."better teeth than George Washington". I almost strangled on my cup of Java I was drinking at the time. You are so funny!
          Luv ya!
          Sweet Caroline
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