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  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    Heimwärts, nach einem langem Arbeitstag...
    Surrealistic painting.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 8 months ago
      Yes, exactly :-D
      The rear light of my WinterCrosser paints the colourless snow, which adheres to the rear wheel, artfully surrealistic in deep red colour :-D
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    Jan the Dane is fit like a fiddle!
    Paradox! Here recumbent bike! I it saw and even made comments. As badly new information keeps within in my head!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 8 months ago
      Yes dear Olga, I know it well.
      Please, realize: The effect will increase!!
      The older one becomes, the greater will grow the holes in one's head :-)))
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    Bracket beam with assembled chain wheels
    It's time to change the bike on skis.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      :-)) Today I was on the nearby hill Saalberg. There the snow was 40-60cm deep.
      To much snow for the bicycle. The pedals dive completely into the snow!
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    Varnishing of the carrier
    OOO! It turns out couch is not a joke, Manfred - creator.
    Work in full swing. I slightly was late for most important event of the year - "Manfred reinvents the wheel". :-)
    Now I am concerned about one thought. In an era of shortages of energy the planet's population will change the car on the couch. I hope that witnesses the birth of this miracle of technology will be a priority position - Manfred provide them in the first place. I discovered another advantage. Can to lie on the couch with a thick heavy book.
    Now I will suffer from impatience waiting for completion of work and trial operation. :-)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      Hi dear Olga, thanks for the comment.
      You should know: I am serious always terribly. Have I already done one day a joke? :-)))
      In my job it is my task to develop energy-saving industrial motion controls with new methods and technologies. Naturally I also try to move privately so energy-efficient as possible!

      Pay attention to the handlebar of the couch. It is wide enough to insert portable computer in between. Then horizontally on the couch I can read your nice remarks! :-D
      • Okinew (Private)
        14 years 9 months ago
        As I got into your theme of energy-saving ! But you just ignored my hopes for a brighter future when I can lie on the couch, comment terribly serious Manfred and reading paper books (which I love still). :-(((
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 9 months ago
          Dear Olga, I also love paper books.
          But paper books are badly suitable for the couch and they are not trendsetting!!!
          Paper books
          - are not water resistantly and resolve in the rain!
          - exist of wood. Trees must die, because of books!
          A lot of energy costs
          - transporting the wood to the papermills
          - producing the paper,
          - transporting the paper to the printing company,
          - printing the sides,
          - bandaging of the sheets,
          - transporting the book from the printing company to the bookstore.
          If one think about, the fun in the reading can leave one! :-))
          • Okinew (Private)
            14 years 9 months ago
            I knew nothing about a rain and dampness.
            The wise paper book denies nothing unlike others. Let it will be the greatest ecological harm.
  • Andreas (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    Fitting of the luggage carrier
    Hallo Manfred,
    ein frohes neues Jahr und viele gute Kilometer künftig im Liegestuhl.
    Irgendwie scheint die Bremse an der Couch noch zu schleifen, oder was glüht da so?


    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      Frohes Neues Jahr Andreas!
      Gefahren bin ich mit der Couch noch nicht. Aber klingeln geht schon!
      Der Vorbau ist zu kurz. Meine Knie passen noch nicht unter den Lenker durch. Der 180mm Vorbau wird erst in 2 Wochen geliefert!
      Bis dahin bleibt es beim Probe sitzen und klingeln :-)
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