Home > Randonneur Brevets (Germany) > Brevets 2011 > Brevet 600 km - 2011 > 600km Brevet 04+05.06.2011

Brevet 600 km - 2011

Startort/location: Wolfenbüttel, Niedersachsen/Lower Saxony, Startzeit/date: 9:00 04.06.2011

Der Begriff Brevet bezeichnet im Amateur-Radsport eine organisierte Langstreckenveranstaltung, bei der von sogenannten Randonneuren eine vorgegebene, nicht ausgeschilderte Strecke (üblicherweise zwischen 200 km und 1400 km) mit passieren von Kontrollstellen innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums geradelt wird. Bei einem Brevet legt jeder Fahrer seine Geschwindigkeit, Pausenzeiten und - bei langen Brevets - seine Schlafpausen selbst fest. Diese Fahrweise wird französisch "Allure Libre" genannt. Es sind alle Fahrräder zugelassen, auf denen sich der Radfahrer ausschließlich aus eigener Muskelkraft fortbewegt. Die meisten Teilnehmer verwenden eine Variante des Rennrads, welches oft über einen leichten Gepäckträger verfügt, der eine kleine Tasche mit Regenkleidung und etwas Proviant trägt. Dazu kommen Licht und je nach Jahreszeit Schutzbleche.
Manfred benutzte ein Liegerad, das für diese 600 km Route sehr gut geeignet war. Während des Brevets war es sonnig und heiß. Die Temperaturen bis 35°C zwangen einige Teilnehmer zum Abbruch. Wegen der Hitze und wegen 2 Reifenpannen war Manfred langsamer als gewohnt, konnte aber die Tour erfolgreich beenden.

In the sport of randonneuring, a brevet is an organised long-distance bicycle ride. Cyclists - who, in this discipline, may be referred to as randonneurs - follow a designated but unmarked route (usually 200 kms to 1400 kms), passing through check-point controls, and must complete the course within specified time limits. With a Brevet every rider fixes his speed, break times and - in long-distance brevets - his sleeping breaks himself. This riding manner is called in French "Allure Libre". All bicycles on which the cyclist moves exclusively with own muscular strength are admitted. Most participants use a type of road bike which often disposes of a light carrier, which carries a small pocket with rainwear and some victuals. In addition light and according to season mutguards are common practice.
Manfred used a recumbent bike that was suitable for this 600 km route very well. During the brevet it was sunny and hot. The temperatures up to 35°C forced some participants to abort. Because of the heat and because of two flat tires Manfred was slower than normal, but could finish the tour successful.

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Manfred Tinebor

600km Brevet 04+05.06.2011


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  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    13 years 6 months ago
    What an amazing capture, dearest Manfred. To see so many beautiful colors and variety of wild flowers in one spot truly makes one want to "stop and smell the roses". Your many races have certainly taken you on some of the most scenic routes in Europe. It must be difficult at times to not be able to stop and spend more time taking in all the surrounding beauty of the countryside, as well as the charming little villages. One must possess a great deal of discipline and willpower. My darling, John-Charles, and I took very few guided tours on our trips to Europe. We preferred to go off the beaten path and visit the countryside, as well as the quaint little villages along the way. We also enjoyed meeting and chatting with the people of the various townships, and learning more about their customs and traditions. It was a much more intimate and personal experience than you would have on a guided tour where everything is so regimented. Thanks for sharing.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
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