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WN2010 - videos

Alexey made a present at New Year 2011 !!!
He sent 2 short videos, he recorded during the ride "White Nights".
Большое спасибо Алексей! Я радуюсь!

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Uploaded: January 03, 2011
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    13 years 9 months ago
    You are so a merry :) that even can not believe, that you are on the track of 1200 km :) ...
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 9 months ago
      Dear Lena, why should I not be merry? :-D
      - I meet a person who loves riding a bike just like me.
      - The weather is excellently. 
      - I couch comfortably in a solar chair.
      - A nice interesting scenery rushes past! 
      That is life I like!  :-))
  • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
    13 years 9 months ago
    I shot a photo of Alexey from behind. Look here:

    While I overtook him, I wanted to shoot more photos.
    Then I saw, that Alexey already made a video of me - I had to laugh :-D
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