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WN2010 - The ride

Legend cycling marathon (brevet) "White Nights" 18th-22nd June 2010
The brevet was held by the bicycle club "Velorus-Marathon" on a circular route with start and destination in Vologda, Russia (1200 km in 90 hours)
across the cities Totma, Nikolsk, Manturovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Manfred's report of the tour you find here (Манфреда Берихта): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010/

For your smile (для вашей улыбки) : https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010rb/ :-)))

Легенда веломарафона (бревета) «Белые ночи» 18-22 июня 2010 года
Бревет проводится клубом «Велорусь-марафон» по кольцевому маршруту Вологда-Вологда (1200 км за 90 часов)
через Тотьму, Никольск, Мантурово, Кострому и Ярославль.

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    This is a lovely church. This architecture is more like what is found in the southern United States where I'm from originally. We love the "gingerbread work"--types of adornments on the facade of the buildings. While buildings of today are becoming more modern and have little, if any, character, I'm still from the old school where I greatly enjoy the detailed craftmanship of yesteryear. I've often wondered if I lived in the early 1800's, for I so loved that era. While life may not have had all the modern conveniences of today, there was still something romantic and beautiful about that era. People and communities were closely knit. Everyone pulled together to help their fellowman. Deep down, I still wished a part of that lifestyle existed in today's world. Life was lived in the slower lane; and yet, just as much got accomplished as in today's world--probably more.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 7 months ago
      You are right: People and communities were closely knit.

      But I think, that this close cohesion was often geographic limited. People outside of this narrow cohesion were often considered very suspicious.

      Today, the cohesion is certainly not as tight. Today's communications technology allows, however, to knot global, laxly social networks. The mistrust of people outside the geographic boundary is decreasing. I hope that in the future the global understanding wars prevents.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Another breathtaking building; and one which I sincerely hope will continue to be properly maintained for many years to come. This is one of the things I found so intriguing about Europe--each country had its own culture, traditions, etc. I was sad to see the borders come down for this reason. In spite of that, I do hope each country will continue to exhibit their true customs and traditions as they have in the past; and that they will not allow outside influences to affect their lifestyle and/or beautiful history. Variety is the spice of life; and what a dull world it would be if everything and everyone were just alike. I greatly appreciate all the beauty and history which have been given to us from all parts of the world; and I hope that will not change during my lifetime. I hope the traits and characteristics of each country will still be around for future generations to embrace and enjoy as much as I have these past 15/20 years. How sad it would be to think otherwise.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    Arriving the destination
    Congratulations, dearest Manfred! What an outstanding and challenging marathon--you got a good sunburn in the process. I've enjoyed so much taking the journey with you--in spite of being a bit nervous at times. It was nice you were able to take such outstanding photographs of the event along the way. It truly had some beautiful rolling countrysides and villages which gave me a better view of the area you were traveling. I noticed you have other albums; so I'm placing a bookmark to your lovely site for a return visit or two. I hope you will visit my site occasionally. Although I have a few photos, I'm not into taking pictures. When I joined Fotki, it was to store my thousands of "signature tags" which I collect from artists worldwide. They're quite addictive. Each one has a special meaning for me. They are all very precious; and I wouldn't want to lose any of them. I've made so many friendships during my 10 years of collecting these unique tags.
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    I don't know what you did; but when I saw these huge, uneven holes--and the red car pull in front of you--all I could think of is someone losing a bike--or going over the handlebars. You either got "beeped up"; or you said a lot of prayers.
    These holes remind me of our main streets here in Ottawa after a very hard winter of snow and ice. You can almost lose a car in some of these gigantic "graves".

    I may have to take a tranquilizer if there are many more scenes like this one. I'm just happy this isn't a slide show or a movie film!
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Do you still continue the marathon after dark? Especially on such treacherous roads? You all do like to live dangerously.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Such long, straight stretches of road. Did you ever find yourself being hypnotized after traveling for a while?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 7 months ago
      In Russia such a thing did not happen to me.
      But 3 years ago, I cycled the 1,200 kms bike marathon Paris-Brest-Paris. It happened to me, that in the middle of France a herd of rhinoceroses ran across the road! I could not only see the rhinos. I could also smell them! And the earth had trembled as they passed by right in front of me!
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    This scene reminds me of the bridge which I watched being built my last year in high school. It's 2 miles wide. I must admit having the bridge meant faster travel to hospitals and medical care; but I miss greatly the ferry boat rides I used to take several times a week to the adjoining county. This is a lovely area. It looks like you are getting back into civilization again. Not much longer now before the marathon will all come to an end, and you can get some much needed rest. As far as the bike is concerned, you may have to go for a new one for the next marathon, eh?

    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Wow! I never thought about the tires you must go through on one of these marathons. However, when I look at the various road conditions over which you have ridden, it's easy to understand why you would go through so many changes of tires. You truly have to love this hobby!
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    What a magnificent capture--and after midnight. It's such a breathtaking view and one you never want to see end.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    As dearest Lara stated, this is a lovely capture. He looks like he's riding off into the wide blue yonder--a very peaceful scene after a very long day.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    I'm quite certain that even though this gentleman could not speak German or English, the feeling of being able to assist you in some small way was still rewarding for him. My darling John-Charles and I found that the "universal smile" helped to go a long way when it came to trying to express our needs. There's always a way to communicate--even though it may not be elaborate or fancy. On my first two overseas travels, I went alone; and I only speak English. I was about 29 years of age; and had no fear of the world or the unknown. In today's world, however, things are so much different. Nonetheless, I'm glad I had the sense of adventure within me for I got to see parts of the world I would never have known about. My sister and brother do not share my sense of wanting to know anything and everything about as much of the world as I possibly can learn. My two beautiful husbands spoke five and seven languages fluently; so in latter years, it did come in handy quite often.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Another beautiful day for your marathon. It looks like all of you were able to get a great tan during this race, as well.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    I am so intrigued by the magnificent architecture of these buildings. They look like something from a fairy tale. I'm still amazed at the clarity of all your pictures while riding on a bike--particularly over some very rough terrain.
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Oh my--30 km of sandy path. It's the little things like this that make our world an interesting one. At least it kept the marathon from being boring, eh? Thanks for your reply. Now I've returned to continue my journey with you. In spite of the trip being mainly in the countryside, that's what I have enjoyed the most. After awhile, all big cities look like big cities; but I enjoy seeing the countryside of the various countries. When my adorable late husband and I traveled throughout Europe by train, it was amazing how the countryside varied from one country to another. One of the greatest ways to travel throughout Europe is by train; and we so enjoyed meeting people from various countries on the train. It always made the 18-hour trips go by much faster.
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 7 months ago
      Yes, in foreign countries I also travel with pleasure by the train. In the train it is easy to get in contact with locals and people from various countries :-)
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 7 months ago
    WN2010 - The ride
    Running out of patches and tires had to add quite a bit of stress towards the end of this adventure. At least you were not alone on the trip.
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