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WN2010 - The ride

Legend cycling marathon (brevet) "White Nights" 18th-22nd June 2010
The brevet was held by the bicycle club "Velorus-Marathon" on a circular route with start and destination in Vologda, Russia (1200 km in 90 hours)
across the cities Totma, Nikolsk, Manturovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Manfred's report of the tour you find here (Манфреда Берихта): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010/

For your smile (для вашей улыбки) : https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010rb/ :-)))

Легенда веломарафона (бревета) «Белые ночи» 18-22 июня 2010 года
Бревет проводится клубом «Велорусь-марафон» по кольцевому маршруту Вологда-Вологда (1200 км за 90 часов)
через Тотьму, Никольск, Мантурово, Кострому и Ярославль.

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Manfred Tinebor

WN2010 - The ride

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Taken: June 21, 2010
Uploaded: June 27, 2010
Captured with:
Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 10 months ago
    This is a lovely church. This architecture is more like what is found in the southern United States where I'm from originally. We love the "gingerbread work"--types of adornments on the facade of the buildings. While buildings of today are becoming more modern and have little, if any, character, I'm still from the old school where I greatly enjoy the detailed craftmanship of yesteryear. I've often wondered if I lived in the early 1800's, for I so loved that era. While life may not have had all the modern conveniences of today, there was still something romantic and beautiful about that era. People and communities were closely knit. Everyone pulled together to help their fellowman. Deep down, I still wished a part of that lifestyle existed in today's world. Life was lived in the slower lane; and yet, just as much got accomplished as in today's world--probably more.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 10 months ago
      You are right: People and communities were closely knit.

      But I think, that this close cohesion was often geographic limited. People outside of this narrow cohesion were often considered very suspicious.

      Today, the cohesion is certainly not as tight. Today's communications technology allows, however, to knot global, laxly social networks. The mistrust of people outside the geographic boundary is decreasing. I hope that in the future the global understanding wars prevents.
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