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WN2010 - The ride

Legend cycling marathon (brevet) "White Nights" 18th-22nd June 2010
The brevet was held by the bicycle club "Velorus-Marathon" on a circular route with start and destination in Vologda, Russia (1200 km in 90 hours)
across the cities Totma, Nikolsk, Manturovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Manfred's report of the tour you find here (Манфреда Берихта): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010/

For your smile (для вашей улыбки) : https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010rb/ :-)))

Легенда веломарафона (бревета) «Белые ночи» 18-22 июня 2010 года
Бревет проводится клубом «Велорусь-марафон» по кольцевому маршруту Вологда-Вологда (1200 км за 90 часов)
через Тотьму, Никольск, Мантурово, Кострому и Ярославль.

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Manfred Tinebor

WN2010 - The ride

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Taken: June 20, 2010
Uploaded: June 27, 2010
Captured with:
Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 10 months ago
    This is certainly--in no way--a "cheap" hobby. Have all the marathons had such poorly kept highways? You almost need an auxiliary crew--traveling by van--to keep you all supplied with tires, patches, water, porter potties, etc. I've never watched or been near any form of marathon in my life. Your photographic journal of events is my first of even having a clue as to what takes place. Even though I'm sitting here at my computer, I must admit sometimes I have been in a panic mode when I've seen the road conditions and some very dangerous disasters that were thankfully avoided. I haven't chewed off any fingernails or started to consume any alcoholic beverages so far; so I hope I make it to the end of the journey without doing either.
    BTW, Manfred, I'm originally from the beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia - "Dixie". As a disabled widow, my days are spent on my computer--traveling through the lens of fine photographers such as yourself. I look forward to viewing more of your lovely photos.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 10 months ago
      For me the special charm of this kind of bicycle marathons consists in having no supporting team and no escort vehicles :-)))
      I am glad very much that you like my photos. Please, dear Sweet Caroline, come and view further!
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    Here your report is required. Please, tell more in detail that has occurred to you. How you with it have consulted and finished?
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