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WN2010 - The ride

Legend cycling marathon (brevet) "White Nights" 18th-22nd June 2010
The brevet was held by the bicycle club "Velorus-Marathon" on a circular route with start and destination in Vologda, Russia (1200 km in 90 hours)
across the cities Totma, Nikolsk, Manturovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Manfred's report of the tour you find here (Манфреда Берихта): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010/

For your smile (для вашей улыбки) : https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/wn2010rb/ :-)))

Легенда веломарафона (бревета) «Белые ночи» 18-22 июня 2010 года
Бревет проводится клубом «Велорусь-марафон» по кольцевому маршруту Вологда-Вологда (1200 км за 90 часов)
через Тотьму, Никольск, Мантурово, Кострому и Ярославль.

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Manfred Tinebor

WN2010 - The ride

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Taken: June 19, 2010
Uploaded: June 28, 2010
Captured with:
Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 10 months ago
    I can't believe these roads are main highways. That 30km stretch of sandy road must have been like driving on a cloud compared to these roads. It seems their Department of Highways could use some expertise in the field of proper road repair.

    Our weather is just as cold--or colder--as in Russia; and we have just as much traffic--including big transport trucks. Our roads take a terrible beating; but at the first signs of spring, the repair crews are out on the job. A road in this condition would be definitely closed to the public. How could anyone begin to navigate such a highway after dark? There isn't any firm foundation on this highway. It just looks like one minor patch after another. Surely a Rescue Squad or Fire Truck could never travel on such roads of disrepair. I'm grateful, Manfred, you made it back home safely and lived to share your photos with us. I might expect such conditions in Africa and/or China, but surely not in Europe.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 10 months ago
      The holes as big as bath tubs in Russian country roads are a particular Russian speciality :-D
      • Carolynd411 (Private)
        14 years 10 months ago
        I admire your great sense of humor. When you made that statement to Olga in an earlier post, I just burst into laughter. Under the circumstances, I guess it is easier to laugh and roll with the punches. Otherwise, you could surely spoil the fun if you complained about all the things that could and possibly did go wrong. More often than not, it's these hair-raising experiences that make the trip so interesting.
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