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Rittergut Schloss Hämelschenburg

• Schloss Hämelschenburg wurde im 15. Jahrhundert von der Ritterfamilie Klencke erbaut. Es ist eines der schönsten Anlagen der Weserrenaissance.

• Castle Hämelschenburg was built in the 15th Century by the Knight family Klencke. It is one of the most beautiful plants of the Weser Renaissance.

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Manfred Tinebor

Rittergut Schloss Hämelschenburg

Schloss Hämelschenburg wurde im 15. Jahrhundert von der Ritterfamilie Klencke erbaut. Es ist eines der schönsten Anlagen der Weserrenaissance.

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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 8 months ago
    I can understand that dragon is a sacred creature in China! But I d been too wondered, to see 
    dragons in Sweden, Estonia and in Germany now!!! 
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 8 months ago
      There are dragons in every land and in every culture area! 
      The non-Chinese dragons are descended from the Greek mythology.
      Persons, who kill dragons, overcome the Bad and are very courageously.
      A famous dragon killer in Scandinavia is Baldur.
      Germany has Siegfried.
      In Russia Dobrynja Nikititsch killed dragons.

      Dear Marbess, you know that my next long-distance bicycle-racing starts in Arkhangelsk.
      ...also archangel Michael killed a dragon!!
      You see, dear Marbess, dragons are everywhere  :o))
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