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Schloss Bevern

• Das Schloss Bevern wurde durch Statius von Münchhausen von 1603 bis 1612 als Wasserschloss mit vier Flügeln und einem Schlossgarten errichtet. Heute wird das Schloss als Restaurant und für Ausstellungen genutzt.

• The castle Bevern was established by Statius of Münchhausen from 1603 to 1612 as a moated castle with four wings and a castle garden. Today the castle is used as a restaurant and for exhibits.

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Manfred Tinebor

Schloss Bevern

Skulptur rotes Pferd

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  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years ago
    This sculpture modern? A beautiful horse! Even muscles are accurately looked through!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years ago
      Castle Bevern is used as a place of exhibition. The colored horses should point to an exhibit of Russian archaeological findings. The exhibit has the name „silver horse“. Archaeological treasures are shown like weapons, jewellery and things of the everyday life from the area Caucasus and Black Sea.
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