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Vätternrundan 2005

300 km Radmarathon um den schwedischen Vätternsee.

Vätternrundan is the biggest bicycle riding event of the world. The number of participants is limited to 17,500. The cycling event around the lake Vättern in Sweden is held in mid-June every year. The distance is about 300 km, with start and finish in the town of Motala.

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  • Okinew (Private)
    15 years ago
    All is perfectly mounted. Movement deep into and in the parties makes impression of video.
    But everything that you have grouped - much more interestingly video.
    Everything that I saw from amateur video, and did itself, at viewing, as a rule, it becomes boring in 3 minutes if it is taken not under plan (scenario) well developed in advance. But then it no a chronicle of events. Therefore I prefer a photo.
    Music, voices supplement sensation of a holiday. Excellent work!
    What you used software?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      15 years ago
      Thanks dear Olga. Your critical eye is worth for me!
      I made the photo-show 5 years ago. With my cycling association it was usual to report about big cycling events at the annual meeting. Instead of in words, I wanted to report with pictures. But I thought that I could not provide the atmosphere only with the pictures. I thought, with some movement and suitable sound, I could transmit expiry, action and atmosphere :-)
      I used the software "MAGIX PhotoStory on CD & DVD" Version 5.0. The actual Version is 9.x I believe. The original photo-show on my computer is brilliant towards the photo show via video portal and internet.
      The picture resolution with the video portals is bad and the picture rate (number pictures/second) is too low for steady-going movement.
      I hoped that FOTKI would offer a better video-quality and have tested picture-shows with FOTKI. Unfortunately, the quality of FOTKI is even worse than with most video portales. Even the sound with FOTKI videos is bad and only mono :-(
  • Andreas (Private)
    15 years ago
    Ist doch ne klasse Sache. Leider ist die Qualität der Bilder nicht so richtig gut.
    Der Schlusssatz lässt deine Absicht erkennen, nächstes Jahr wieder mitzufahren?!
    Denk dran, da ist PBP an der Reihe;)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      15 years ago
      :-D Das sind die Bilder aus 2005. Auch der Schluss-Satz stammt aus 2005!
      2006 hatten wir den Schluss-Satz aus 2005 realisiert!!!

      Erst mal schau'n, wie der 600er mit der Couch rollt. - Vor dem Herbst mache ich keine Aussage zu PBP2011!
      'n alter Mann gehört auf die Couch und nicht nach PBP :o)
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