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TR2012 - Planning

TransRussia - there is still an increase of madness possible! :o)
For the year 2012 Manfred's cycling friend, the extreme-sportsman Alexey Boldarev, offered a new immense challenge:
A bicycle race over a distance of 3,000 kms!
The racing led across all climate zones of the northern half of the earth.
Manfred took part in this long-distance racing. It should be a hard test of the physical limits ...and should be adventure pure! :-)

Look to the map: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdrgssgwwbbt/

View the registered participants: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdrggfffwdtk/

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Алексей Болдырев

TransRussia medal

The medal of TransRussia is already shown...
It will be a long, long, hard way to get this medal :-)))

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Uploaded: May 15, 2012
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 11 months ago
    It s too difficult to understand, why is a men done in a white color?May be the 
    keyword is a ТРАНС?
    :-))) -changing in the state of mind and body from ...the intense cycling!!! Берегите себя! Put us (your s funs) up to date!!! May be the first stage-the green colour, the second-yellow, and... (...nobody knows...)
    So be carefull!!!

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 11 months ago
      Yes, dear Marbess, a good question!  Why the body of the cyclist is in a white color? 

      From my view, the body of the cyclist is white, because the body on the long distance is relatively insignificant. 
      To master TransRussia, a well-trained body is a condition, but is absolut not sufficient! 
      Substantially more importantly than the body is the spirit! 
      This long distance is to master only with the spirit. The spirit must raise the necessary willpower to force the body and to suppress tiredness, weakness and pains. So the spirit must hold the body in a transcendent state :-) 
      Thus the word ТРАНС is more important than the body itself. 
      Дух торжествует над телом!  :-)))
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