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TransRussia 2012

Extreme bicycle marathon 'TransRussia 40th meridian'

Manfred Tinebor
TR2012 - Planning

TransRussia - there is still an increase of madness possible! :o)
For the year 2012 Manfred's cycling friend, the extreme-sportsman Alexey Boldarev, offered a new immense challenge:
A bicycle race over a distance of 3,000 kms!
The racing led across all climate zones of the northern half of the earth.
Manfred took part in this long-distance racing. It should be a hard test of the physical limits ...and should be adventure pure! :-)

Look to the map: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdrgssgwwbbt/

View the registered participants: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdrggfffwdtk/

Album was created 13 years 7 months ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    TR2012 - Before start

    View the reportage video of the bicycle-race (Manfred's journal): https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdgrdrkqqfdq/

    Album was created 12 years 7 months ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    TR2012 - The ride (part 1)

    Look at the Russian press report: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdkqdskgrsts/

    In the first part, Manfred rode 950 km from the start Archangelsk at July 23th to a sleep rest place at a lake in Yaroslavl. During Manfred slept directly beside his couch, his couch, his luggage and his shoes were stolen! So in the early morning of July 26th, in less than 3 days, Manfred's marathon came to a preliminary end. :-(

    Album was created 12 years 7 months ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    TR2012 - The ride (part 2)

    5 1/2 days after the theft, Manfred got his couch back. The police could find the stolen bike. In the evening of July 31st Manfred had his couch back!
    He had to buy new shoes, because he didn't get back his bike-shoes. ...and then he was again on the road to the Black Sea. :-)
    6 days later, at August 6th, he was in the region of Krasnodar. His distance to the Black Sea was only nearly 200 km. The last, what Manfred knows, is, that he rode on the side-strip of a highway.
    One day later, at August 7th, he awoke in a hospital bed. He wondered, why he was in a bed. It was told to him, that a car knocked over him! :-(

    Album was created 12 years 7 months ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    TR2012 - The accident

    Nearly 200 kms before the finish, Manfred was knocked over by a car from behind. Manfred lost immediately the consciousness and awoke 11 hours later in the hospital.
    He lay inside a sickbed and his body had some physical damages:
    - double break of the pelvic bone,
    - 3 lumbar vertebrae broken,
    - 1 cervical vertebras broken,
    - cerebral haemorrhages on both sides.
    Because of the cerebral haemorrhages, Manfred was not able to be transported to Germany during the first weeks. :-(
    Thus from the nice Russian nurses Manfred enjoyed an intensive course of Russian language. :-))

    Watch the TV-report of the accident / Fernsehbericht des Unfalls: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdgsbwbqqftw/

    Etwa 200 km vor dem Ziel wurde Manfred von einem Auto von hinten überfahren. Manfred verlor sofort das Bewußtsein und wachte 11 Stunden später in einem Krankenhaus auf.
    Er lag im Krankenbett und sein Körper hatte einige Schäden:
    - doppelter Beckenbruch
    - 3 Lendenwirbel gebrochen
    - 1 Halswirbel gebrochen
    - beidseitige Gehirnblutungen
    Wegen der Gehirnblutungen war Manfred in den ersten Wochen nicht nach Deutschland transportfähig. :-(
    So genoß er durch nette russische Krankenschwestern einen Intensivkurs in russischer Sprache. :-))

    Album was created 12 years 7 months ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Manfred Tinebor
    TR2012 - Getting couch parts home

    After the accident, the couch parts were stored at the agricultural machinery maker CLAAS in Krasnodar. In February 2013 Manfred traveled to Krasnodar and got his couch parts.

    Album was created 12 years 1 month ago and modified 9 years ago
  • Copyright © Manfred Tinebor, Germany. Commercial use of page contents is forbidden. All rights reserved. For private use only.