Home > ... bloß 'rumkullern (Germany) > ...rumkullern - 2019 > Goldklumpen

...rumkullern - 2019

... rollin' around - 2019

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Manfred Tinebor


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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    5 years 4 months ago
    Hi, Manfred! That s an interesting word ......GOLDKLUMPEN... Gold - that s in English we know what/ And in the end - самородок. Is that translater true? The photo is very intresting and I like it very much!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      5 years 4 months ago
      Yes, dear Marbess, because of the color, I called the hazelnuts jokingly "Goldklumpen" (nuggets - самородки).  
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