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...rumkullern - 2017

... rollin' around - 2017

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Manfred Tinebor


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Uploaded: May 02, 2017
  • Rozalia421 Premium user United States (Private)
    7 years 4 months ago
    Wow. Love them. I never see them here
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      7 years 4 months ago
      :-) You will not see the white stork on the American continent. The white stork breeds only in Europe. 
      So you need to go into your old native homeland, to see storks. :-) 
      To Germany each year come more storks. But in Poland there are the most breeding places.
      • Rozalia421 Premium user United States (Private)
        7 years 4 months ago
        I know. I photographed them in Israel on their way south.
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