Дорогой Манфред! С РОЖДЕСТВОМ! С наступающим Новым Годом! Поздравляю сердечно! Тебя! Пусть всё будет легко, то - что сложно, Пусть год Новый! Тебе даст скачок - Во всех планах, во всех начинаниях! И здоровья пускай будет впрок! Чудеса пусть таятся -в желаниях!
Hi Manfred! I hope you take out the invention with implementation into production? It costs a lot! I like those production! I got a very beautiul earrings for Olga for her wedding in Praga and for me that time! I am not a great expert in the field of jewelry.Jewellery Swarovski I really appreciate! But the fate of our invention (in ventilation) is very sad. I ll tell later about that...I do not want to talk about bad news in the background of such beauty!!!
I like it!!! Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich an autor of a tale " Аленький цветочек" (The Scarlet Flower) gathered a collection of butterflies in a childehood.He described that process in details in his memoirs. When I had read that book I remembered that for a long time!!!
Dear MarBess, your comment is interesting. I found the text СОБИРАНИЕ БАБОЧЕК here: http://az.lib.ru/a/aksakow_s_t/text_0092.shtml My Russian knowledge is not enough to read the text correctly. It seems that Aksakov loved nature.
Yes, dear MarBess, I also like the bicycle stand. I would have liked to take the parts home with me. :-) ... but I was a little too weak to carry the stand. :o)