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...rumkullern - 2016

... rollin' around - 2016

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Manfred Tinebor


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  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    7 years 10 months ago
    I like it!!! Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich an autor of a tale " Аленький цветочек" (The Scarlet Flower)  gathered a collection of butterflies in a childehood.He described that  process in details in his memoirs. When I had read that book I remembered that for a long time!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      7 years 10 months ago
      Dear MarBess, your comment is interesting. I found the text СОБИРАНИЕ БАБОЧЕК here: http://az.lib.ru/a/aksakow_s_t/text_0092.shtml  
      My Russian knowledge is not enough to read the text correctly. It seems that Aksakov loved nature.

      Урaaа!  :-)  
      I found the video "Аленький цветочек": 
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