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...rumkullern - 2013

... rollin' around - 2013

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Manfred Tinebor

Wilde Malve

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Uploaded: September 21, 2013
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    11 years ago
    Nice colour,,,and I like this background))..
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years ago
      The focus setting did not work.  Now the beloved main topic is smeared!  :-(  
      ...instead of that, the dull foreground is sharp!  It's a shame!  :o)  
      • Mankovskay (Private)
        10 years 11 months ago
        Please, do not be so self-critical)....dear Manfred!
        All this details do is not matter in this foto....
        Most of all ,I  like your bicycle achter the flower,,,,,,and I like your mood in this picture!
        It is important....)))
        Have a nice week!
        Hugs, Lara.
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