What a magnificent floral arrangement this would make on a foyer table. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to keep this amazing bouquet in its frozen state for very long. This is the first time I've ever seen Rose Hip--in person, or in a photo. This amazing capture certainly deserves to be published in one of the floral books--and definitely in a floral encyclopedia. You never cease to amaze me, dearest Manfred, with your unusual and breathtaking photographs. As always, a quick glance at a few of your pictures always brightens my day--especially the self-portraits of the "best looking biker in Europe"! LOL! Have a great week, dearest Manfred. Luv ya bunches! Sweet Caroline
Top of the mornin' to ya, my dearest Manfred- -Yes to both of your statements! The "American Lady" loves to kid with you; and she enjoys flirting with you! Being a true Southener, we Southern Belles love to flirt--it's our favorite pasttime. It's always done in the spirit of genuine friendship. Occasionally, a male would take the kidding and/or flirting out of context; and I'd have to go into my "holier than thou attitude"--an immediate turn-off. I do hope, Sweetie, that I haven't said anything offensive to you in my moments of kidding with you. I might add, I am very particular with whom I kid and/or flirt these days--especially on the web. Judging from the comments of most of your "Female Fan Club", we all enjoy kidding and flirting with you! Do you have any more marathons planned while the fall weather is
(Cont. . .2) still beautiful? Since biking through the ice and snow would certainly be too dangerous, what are your winter sports hobbies? Whatever the winter activity, one thing is certain. We can all count on viewing more of your intriguing and breathtaking captures--regardless of your surroundings. If you should be in the vicinity of one of your great musical bands, could you possibly record some of the beautiful and spirited German music--especially Polka music? Well, Sweetie, it's 4:12 am Wednesday morning; and I'm having a difficult time keeping my eyes open. So before I fall asleep on my keyboard and send this epistle into the wild blue yonder, I'm going to try sending it the traditional way. I hope the remainder of your week will be filled with the very best that life has to offer. Sending lots of warm, gentle hugs across the ocean to you. Luv ya! Sweet Caroline
My dearest Manfred--I'm sorry to be reading about your accident so late. What an unpleasant and traumatic experience for you. I'm so happy, however, the situation wasn't worse. But best of all, we still have you with us! Without your charm, wit, and the beauty you share with the rest of the world, our universe wouldn't be as beautiful. Please do take gentle care of yourself, my dearest Manfred. I want to see you and chat with you for a long, long time to come. May God hold you safely in the palm of His hands always.