Home > ... bloß 'rumkullern (Germany) > ...rumkullern - 2010 > Saalberg Windmühlenstumpf

...rumkullern - 2010

... rollin' around - 2010

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Manfred Tinebor

Seit Anfang das 18. Jahrhunderts mahlte eine Windmühle Korn auf dem Saalberg. 1882 brannte die Mühle aus und wurde nicht wieder repariert. 1928 wurde die Ruine zum Aussichtsturm umgebaut. Die Aussichtsplattform auf etwa 330 m ü. NN ist über eine Innentreppe frei zugänglich.

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  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 1 month ago
    Your magnificent, ancient tower, is even intriguing covered in snow. I like the way the ice has given the tower a lovely shiny sheen. I always love the way the ice and snow give the tree branches such a soft dreamy effect--in spite of the fact such lovely effects can cause great harm to the trees, as well as interuption to electrical service, telephone service, etc.

    Luv ya!
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    The same remarkable tower in the winter dress.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 8 months ago
      Yes, I am often at the tower.
      I like to climb up the 350 m high hill by bicycle. It is a good power training with pretty surroundings!
      • Okinew (Private)
        14 years 8 months ago
        Height good for training. Near to your house?
        How this tower is used?
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 8 months ago
          The tower is in the area of my house. It fulfils no commercial purpose. It is used only by wanderers and by a mad cyclist as an lookout :-))
          From the top of the tower you have a magnificent panorama.
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