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Provincie Holland - 2009

Fietsen in de provincie

  • Samorodova (Private)
    15 years 4 months ago
    Tulip cutter, Noordwijkerhout
    I see - this is a destiny machine) 
    For better growing of the bulbs, the blossoms are cut off.
  • Samorodova (Private)
    15 years 4 months ago
    Tulip fields in Noordwijkerhout
    red grass))) what is the destiny of these flowers?
    Destiny is the grow and the harvest of tulip bulbs. The bulbs are lucrative trading goods.
  • Samorodova (Private)
    15 years 4 months ago
    Free-runnung bisons in Kennemerland
    I love these animals
    Re: I love these animals too, ... if they are split into portions and served up on my plate :)))
  • Merlin99 Premium user Australia (Private)
    15 years ago
    Free-runnung bisons in Kennemerland
    Were you hiding behind the wheel for protection. I hope they arent aggressive.
    Re: I sat on the bike and had a foot on the pedal. However, I am not sure whether in an attack I could have accelerated fast enough :-))
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