Home > Rol de kaas (Netherlands) > Provincie Holland - 2009 > Free-runnung bisons in Kennemerland

Provincie Holland - 2009

Fietsen in de provincie

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Manfred Tinebor

Free-runnung bisons in Kennemerland

Hope, that the bison calve don't want to play with "Bügelmaschine" :-)

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Taken: January 01, 2006
Uploaded: May 03, 2009
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Casio EX-Z1000

  • Samorodova (Private)
    15 years 4 months ago
    I love these animals
    Re: I love these animals too, ... if they are split into portions and served up on my plate :)))
  • Merlin99 Premium user Australia (Private)
    15 years ago
    Were you hiding behind the wheel for protection. I hope they arent aggressive.
    Re: I sat on the bike and had a foot on the pedal. However, I am not sure whether in an attack I could have accelerated fast enough :-))
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