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MV2014 - The ride

1200 km randonnée bicycle ride (brevet)
'With a taken start-up from Merselo/Netherlands, hopping over the Alps and landing in Verona/Italy' :o)

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Manfred Tinebor

Manfred's trophy

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Uploaded: September 19, 2014
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    9 years 11 months ago
    I congratulate you!
    You have done the impossible possible!
    Так держать!!!

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      9 years 11 months ago
      Thanks, dear Lena! 
      Before this marathon tour, I calculated my shortly possible time with the values of experience of my this year's brevets and the altitude meters of this tour. My arithmetic result was: 96 hours! 
      I am glad that I have come really in 91 hours over the Alps. These are 5 hours less than I had calculated.  :-) 
      However, this is 1 hour too much to receive a medal. :-\ 
      I am glad, that I was able to ride over the Alps, ...and I am glad, that I have got this nice trophy for my arrival of the finish point.  :-) 
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