Home > Manfred's bikes > M5-Couch > Hub-generator


Sometimes Manfred would like to rest on a couch and lay his legs high.
Therefore, Santa Claus had brought a parcel from the Dutch carbon ligfietsen producer M5. In the parcel was a frame rack, with which Manfred built a couch :-)
In the meantime Manfred pedaled some thousands kilometres recumbently. His experiences in riding the couch you find here: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/couch-surfing/
To get a little impression of riding the couch speedy, please watch the video recorded on a country road in Lower Saxony between Polle and Bad Pyrmont: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/manfreds-videos/entry/wqtfrbtwwtqqq/

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Manfred Tinebor


The hub-generator SHIMANO ALFINE generates the electrical power for the light and for the electronic devices.

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Uploaded: April 20, 2012
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    12 years 1 month ago
    Manfred, hello!
    Why Shimano? After Som Deluxe better?
    I want myself for the next year too, buy a hub. Now choose the best

    How is your health?
    Olga sends regards to you!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 1 month ago
      Hi Olga, thanks for your interest! I hope you are well pleased! 

      For many years I use hub generators of SHIMANO and of SON. 
      The hubs of both manufacturers are mechanically robust and well sealed, and both have permanently lightly running bearings.
      A little bit differently is the electric efficiency. The SON generators are a little more efficient than the generators of SHIMANO.  
      But the purchase price is very different. A SON generator costs more than the double than a good generator of SHIMANO!
      Therefore, for my wheels which I use only for short distances, I use SHIMANO generators. My MTB and my road bike for the everyday way to my office were equipped with SHIMANO. I am fully contented with it!   

      My bicycles for long distances have an electrical on-board power supply system. The power supply unit supplies energy to the GPS-navigator, to my mobile phone and to my photo camera via USB-interfaces. The power supply unit is fed by the hub generator.  
      Thus the hub generator must deliver not only the energy for the lights but also the loading energy for the other electronic devices.  
      The SON-generators deliver sufficient energy amount.  
      With low speeds, upwards or with headwind, the energy amount of the SHIMANO generators suffices only for the light. The energy does not suffice for the load of the other devices. 
      Therefore, for the wheels, which I use on long distances, I use only the SON generators. In Russia of course I used SON! 

      Olga, I hope that my statements help you in your choice. If you have additional questions, please ask! 

      My health is well sufficient for riding a bike. The bone fractures have well healed. Still I have light problems with the balance sense. I must avoid quick head movements, so that I not ride like a drunken man :o)
      • (Anonymously) (Private)
        12 years 1 month ago
        Manfred is Alex .... :)
        Thanks for answers.
        I want to buy Busch & Müller E-WERK cache battery 
        Do I need a Busch & Müller E-WERK cache battery 
        Can I charge my phone, navigator - not to buy Busch & Müller E-WERK cache battery 

        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          12 years 1 month ago
          Hi Alex, you made ​​a good choice. Congratulations! For long distances, Schmidt SON is the best. 


          Without cache battery the charging of the electronic devices is interrupted by bike stops.  For most electronic devices the interruption is no problem! So for most devices you need only the B&M E-WERK, not the cache battery for the E-WERK!


          I use a GARMIN navigator. The GARMIN device shows a negative feature: By stoppages of the bike, a message pops up on the GARMIN-screen: "External power supply lost". This message does not disappear, when you start riding again! The message only disappears when you push the "QUIT"-button!  In the city traffic it is a nuisance, when you have to push the button at every intersection stop!  
          For that reason I use a cache battery for the E-WERK.
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