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Zielsetzung des letzten Radl-Projektes war ein leichtes Highracer-Liegerad für bergige Strecken.
Der Rahmen hat die Form eines Besenstiels. Verglichen mit gebogenen Rahmen, vereint der gerade Stock-Rahmen besser Steifigkeit mit geringem Gewicht.
Der Rahmen wurde von der ungarischen Firma Szatuna in der Nähe des Plattensees produziert.
Leider ertrug der Rahmen Manfreds schweren Körper nicht dauerhaft. Nach nicht einmal einem Jahr brach der Rahmen beim Befahren eines Kopfstein gepflasterten Weges durch. :-(

Target of the last bicycle-project was a light high-racer recumbent bike for hilly tours.
The frame has the form of a stick. Compared to curved frames, the stick frame combines better the features of high stiffness with low weight.
The stick was produced by Szatuna near the Hungarian lake Balaton.
Unfortunately, the Balaton-Couch did not long-lasting suffer Manfred's heavy body. After not even one year, during riding on a cobblestone route, the frame broke. :-(

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Manfred Tinebor

Gear switch mechanics 3 x 10

Shimano Deore SL-M610 Shifting Lever, weight: 300 g / pair
Shimano Deore RD-T610-SGS Rear Derailleur, long cage, weight: 320 g
Shimano FD-5703 Front Derailleur, weight: 130 g

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Uploaded: February 18, 2015
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    10 years 2 months ago
    Hi, Manfred! This is a gigantic advertising of Hungarian product!!! It was time when Hungarian buses had been working in Leningrad. And I had been in that fabric in Budapesht as student changing...It was not the best working conditions at that time there. And nowdays it is a progress in there production and in working conditions I think. It s a connected things , you see...
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      10 years 2 months ago
      Thanks for the comment, dear Marbess! 
      You know a lot about the Hungarian production!  :-)
      For me the purchase of the Hungarian frame is an experiment. Company Szatuna is practically unknown in Germany. But I do with pleasure things, which not everybody does. :o)
      The carbon frame of the Hungarians has surprised me positively. It is stiff, light and obviously processed very well. I am already very much curious about the driving behavior. ...and then, of course, I am curious, how long the light frame will carry my heavy body.  :o)
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